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Search engines



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News about your favourite search engine: Google, Altavista / Real time news: 1, 2
Search engine newsletters & forums

Main search engines
Other major search engines
Search engines with image searching
Metasearch engines
Specialised search engines and databases
Usenet search engines
Access to the Invisible Web
Search engines worldwide

  Swiss search engines
          French CH search engines
          German CH search engines
   Ticinese search engines
   Italian search engines
  German search engines
  French search engines
  Belgian search engines
flag_austria.gif (170 bytes)   Austrian search engines
  Canadian search engines
ukflag.gif (257 bytes)   British search engines
flag_irish.gif (476 bytes)   Irish search engines
flag_greek.gif (981 bytes)   Greek search engines

   Information on search engines
Which features work on which search engine
Books on searching the internet

Search engine sizes and web coverage


Main search engines (Find out more about Boolean operators  and field searching)

Search engines with image searching

Metasearch engines (using several search engines):


Specialised search engines and databases:

(scholarly literature, papers, theses, books, abstracts, journals, technical reports from all areas of research)
News (in English, Italian, German, French)
Science & Technology
Worldwide newspapers on-line

Where to find more specialised SEs





  • Zdnet (English) (Browse through more than 300,000 articles and abstracts from over 200 of the most influential computer-related magazines, journals and newspapers.)
  • Zdnet (Italian) (Go down to bottom left of page)
  • Zdnet (German)
  • Zdnet (French)
  • Computer code (source code: Javascript, Java, C, ASP, Fortran, PHP, VB etc.)



  • Lawsearch (Swiss law, German, French, Italian, English)





  • PubMed (a service of the US National Library of Medicine providing access to over 11 million citations from MEDLINE and additional life science journals, including links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources) (English)
  • Salus - Medicina in rete: It


    in English

    in Italian

    in German

    in French


Science & Technology

  • sciBASE searchable database of the world's scientific, technical and medical research literature dating back to 1965; Abstracts are viewable FREE of charge; full articles may be purchased. Over 30 million articles published in more than 30,000 journals; updated daily with approximately 10,000 new article records. sciBASE content is derived from databases created by the National Library of Medicine (MEDLINE®), the British Library, and INIST-CRNS (PASCAL), as well as CABI Publishing (CAB ABSTRACTS®). Publishers include Blackwell Science, Taylor & Francis, IOS Press, IUPAC and Mary Ann Liebert. (search tips)
  • Scirus Developed by Elsevier Science, Scirus skips websites with no scientific content and concentrates only on sites containing scientific content, such as university web sites and author homepages. It uses FAST Search and Transfer, the folks behind AlltheWeb.com. The search is divided into three tabs: All results (default), Membership results and Web results. There's a list of keywords at the bottom of the page that you can use to narrow down your search.

Worldwide newspapers on-line

Where to find more specialised SEs

Usenet search engines:

(Liszt's usenet newsgroup & mailing list search engine/directory: Select Liszt or Topica
Topica's mailing list search engine/directory)
Master List of Newsgroup Hierarchies

Access to the Invisible web (or "Deep Web") About the Invisible Web

swissflag.gif (138 bytes)

Swiss search engines

These cut out interference and may have more pages indexed than the standard international search engines.

Swiss SEs (-> specialise in Swiss websites)

ticinoflag.gif (1007 bytes)

Ticinese search engines


French Swiss search engines

German Swiss search engines

italianflag.gif (186 bytes)

Italian search engines

Italian SEs (-> specialise in Italian websites)

  • more (Motori di Ricerca) (incl. specialised)
  • more (Motori e Portali) (incl. specialised)

germanflag.gif (139 bytes)

German search engines

German SEs (-> specialise in German websites)

  • more (Search Engine Watch)
  • more (UNI Konstanz)

frenchflag.gif (173 bytes)

French search engines

French SEs (-> specialise in French websites)

Belgian search engines

flag_austria.gif (170 bytes)

Austrian search engines

Canadian search engines

ukflag.gif (257 bytes)

British search engines

flag_irish.gif (476 bytes)

Irish search engines

flag_greek.gif (981 bytes)

Greek search engines


Information on search engines

Which features work on which search engine

Search Engine Watch / Search Engine Showdown

Books on searching the internet

Ricerche On Line (ISBN 88-483-0096-0, 190 pages, Fr.16.90) M. Bianchini, A. Galimberti; Alpha Test/Hoepli
Sections: Avviso ai naviganti, Accendere i motori, Le tecniche del cercatore, I fantastici quattro, Motori in breve, Sherlock Holmes e Mr. Watson, Internet: Tutto quello che avreste voluto sapere..., Glossario

Also available at Locarno library

Ricercare su Internet (ISBN 88-8331-157-4, 150 pages, Fr.15.-) Gilles Fouchard, Mondadori Informatica
Sections: Capacità di base, Motori di ricerca, Motori di ricerca internazionali, Motori di metaricerca, Directory di persone e società, Cercare con Usenet e FTP, Ricerche multimediali, Ricerche pratiche, Guide per l'esplorazione, Cercare nei media, Tecnologies "push", Active Channel,

Also available at Locarno library

WWW. Addressbook Tutto su Internet La prima superguida per navigare nella rete: borsa, giochi, musica, salute, shopping, viaggi (ISBN 88-04-48070-X, 387 pages, Fr.15.-) Panorama web, Mondadori
Sections: Ambiente, Animali, Assicurazioni, Aste, Autmobili, Bambini, Banche, Browser, Casa, Chat, Cinema, Città, Computer, Finanza, Fitness, Gastronomia, Giochi, Gratis, Hobby, Informazione, Internet etc.

Also available at Locarno library

Internet Explorer 4 - Imparare in 6 ore (ISBN 88-481-0613-7, 182 pages, Fr.16.-) A. L. Benasi, Tecniche Nuove
Sections: L'Active Desktop, La vista web: navigare, Il browser di rete, Richerche e acquisti sui Internet, La posta elettronica, I newsgroup, Conversare e collaborare online, Progettare e pubblicare una pagina web

Also available at Locarno library


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