www.multilingual.ch - English translations & proofreading - WWW Search Interfaces for Translators
Online resources for translators


English    italiano    Deutsch    franæ#131;§ais


Mailing lists for translators
Forums for translators
Newsletters for translators
Translation journals
Translation websites
Internet-search-related newsletters, mailing lists & forums
Sites for Information Professionals & Researchers
Tips and Tricks
The search engine experts
Grammar and usage guides (incl. verb conjugation, spelling etc.)
Style guides
Translators' associations
Professional translators
Translator sites
Jobs for translators
Internet search tutorials for translators
Other resources for translators
The Universal Currency Converter
Crossword puzzles



Mailing lists for translators

Mailing list Description

List owner: Tanya Harvey Ciampi

wwwsift is a forum for translators and other language specialists to discuss the use of the search interfaces for finding glossaries, parallel texts and more at http://www.multilingual.ch   (Languages currently supported: English, Italian, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese and more). You are welcome to join in the discussion (with questions and comments), which is aimed at improving the results obtained. We also welcome postings announcing the URLs of multilingual websites where parallel texts are available.

List owner: Bruno Aeschbacher

SwissTranslation is a mailing list for translators and other language experts who deal with texts relating to Switzerland.

List owner: Maria Eugenia Farré

List for translators, interpreters, terminologists and technical writers.

Here you can post the URLs of any interesting glossaries, dictionaries, databases etc. found on the Internet, whether monolingual, bilingual or multilingual. The list welcomes postings and requests for URLs of any industry-specific glossaries such as banking, biochemistry, telecommunications.

You may also search the archives by keyword.


List owner: Maria Eugenia Farré

List for discussing searching strategies for GlossPost members and other translators, researchers and knowledge workers. It focuses on the use of the Web for terminological research and fact-checking.
Biblit (home page)

List owner: Marina Rullo (approx. 700 messages / month)

Ideas and resources for literary translators to and from Italian.

Biblit è l'unico forum su Internet dedicato esclusivamente alla traduzione letteraria da e verso l'italiano.

Tra le idee e le risorse a disposizione: un vastissimo e aggiornato archivio per traduttori, la possibilità di consultare direttamente i principali motori di ricerca in Rete, consigli pratici su come impostare la ricerca di dizionari e glossari.

Inoltre, sezioni speciali con informazioni legali, recensioni di testi utili, calendario di eventi, informazioni su corsi di traduzione, strumenti di lavoro, articoli e saggi sulla traduzione, e molto altro ancora...


List owner: Maria Eugenia Farré

GPref is a list for translators, interpreters, librarians, writers and fact checkers for postings and requests for reference URLs about specific subjects, for example Nuclear Medicine or Legal Forms in a given language, which must be clearly stated on the subject line according to the ISO language codes.

You can also post to GPref multilingual documentation pages which do not necessarily contain a glossary but can be used in terminology research. Any URLs that are deemed to be of interest to translators and linguists, such as language associations pages, translation theory URLs and translation mailing list announcements are accepted.

GPref will also serve as a repository for the interesting reference URLs that are sent to GlossPost but do not contain a glossary, dictionary or database.



Mailing list of the Italian Language Division (ILD) within the American Translators Association (ATA).

List owner: Sarah Ferrara

Group for Italian to English/English to Italian translators providing help with terms, tips, glossaries, advice, exchange of experience with agencies etc. Messages can be posted in Italian or English.
Terms only

List owner: Karin Adamczyk

Terminology questions only
LANGIT Mailing list for Italian translators, similar to LANTRA-L; average number of messages a day: max. 80. Official language of the list: Italian (more info about LANGIT) LANGIT archives
LANTRA-L (or here)
home page
Forum for all aspects of translation and interpretation of natural languages including computer aids for translation and interpretation.

Topics which can be discussed are:

  • translation theory and practice
  • translation tools
  • terminology
  • lexicography
  • court, conference and community interpreting
  • intercultural communication
  • sociolinguistics
  • psycholinguistics
  • professional ethics for interpreters and translators
  • education and training of interpreters and translators etc.

You may read the logs or search the archives for ongoing and previous discussions.

Eureka Eureka is a list for discussing the use of search engines in finding terminology and swapping links to lexicons, glossaries, terminology banks, etc.
TermXchange This is a list for announcing the availability of new glossaries or terminology materials of use to translators.
Translation This list is for professional translators of any languages working as literary and technical translators in various fields.   Students are welcome as well as anyone who wants to learn the profession.
partnertrans (or here) Mailling-Liste für Übersetzer für ein besseres MIT-einander (German).
german-translators This e-mail group is for professional translators of German to English and English to German for discussing anything relevant to our profession: ethics, client problems, archaic / obscure words, rates, dictionaries, online resources, marketing yourself, education and accreditation, etc.
translators_forum A forum for the exchange of views and experiences among translators and interpreters worldwide.
translators-network A worldwide network for free-lance translators. Get more jobs, consult each other via e-mail to get help solving a particular problem. A forum where free-lance translators can network to cooperate and get more jobs. Job postings from employers, agencies and recruiters etc. are welcome.
medical_translation A group for discussion on medical terminology & other subjects of interest for translators specializing in medical texts.
financialtranslators This e-group is aimed at freelance translators specializing in financial, economic, legal and corporate texts, whatever their language pair. The only specialized on-line support organisation by financial translators for financial translators.
help_ Category: Technical Support Help desk for translators. This list will be a place where translators can get help with software problems. The archives will be accessible to all members so you can search for problems similar to your problems. Please do search before you post a new message.
more, more  



Forums for translators

Forum Description
ProZ ProZ's point-based knowledge-sharing system, KudoZ(tm) is the fastest, easiest and most fun way to get and give help with difficult terms, in any language. You can also search for terms in the terminology database.
Google Newsgroups - sci.lang.translation  



Newsletters for translators

Newsletter Description
Tradurre Newsletter of the Italian Language Division (ILD) of the American Translators Association (ATA) on English-Italian technical translation, co-edited by Roberto Crivello.
Inter@lia Inter@lia è il foglio transardennese dei traduttori italiani del Servizio di Traduzione della Commissione europea, che ha preso il posto di "Tracce". Contiene articoli su vari aspetti linguistici e rappresenta al tempo stesso un foro d'informazione e di discussione su temi culturali e artistici. In ogni numero una pagina è dedicata alle novità informatiche: il CIBERSPAZIO
Tranfree Monthly newsletter containing information on the following topics:
  • Feature articles on what's current and what's hot in the translation industry
  • The four T's - Tips, Tactics, Tricks and Techniques to improve your translation business
  • Senior translation agency staff column - your customers talking about what they like and dislike about how we all do business together - understand your customers better and do better business with them
  • Technology updates - computers and language - ways to increase your productivity using technology
  • Rip-off warnings. Avoid the latest fiends in the field - facts only here with sources. No malicious anonymous tip-offs. We want no libel action, just to improve the industry.
  • Guest columns from freelance translators with hot tips to share
  • Guest columns from experts in fields like localisation
Transref Newsletter from Transref, the Translation Reference center



Translation journals

Journal Description
Translation journal (Accurapid) or here A Publication for Translators by Translators about Translators and Translation, published every 3 months or so.



Translation websites

Website Description
TransHub (or here)

Owner: Michael Molin

Dictionary and search engine lookup interface.
Transref The Translation Reference center, including translation news section, Help Desks, articles on MT, language industry events and job offers. Students and newbies: you will also want to check the Newcomers section, with excellent tips on how to join the translating bandwagon (and stay there too).
Translation Zone A free service provided by TRADOS, THE LANGUAGE ARCHITECTS as an online community for translation professionals offering:
  • A place for professional translators to showcase their skills, experience and expertise,
  • A growing directory for translation agencies and clients to find TRADOS-savvy freelance translators,
  • Valuable translation industry insights, news and event listings,
  • Online discussion forums and live chat rooms for exchanging views, professional tips and cooperative support.
(Owner: Spiros Doikas)
Dictionaries, encyclopaedias and other translation resources for Greek translators.
The Linguist (or here) A wealth of information for  translators, including an extensive list of dictionaries (click on Site Map).



Internet-search-related newsletters, mailing lists & forums

Newsletter, mailing list, forum Description

newsletter by Tara Calishain

Weekly newsletter on internet research news (updates on search engines, new data managing software, browser technology, large compendiums of information, web directories etc.)
Pandia Post Newsletter (or here)


Free bimonthly newsletter on Internet searching (useful tips on how to improve your searching skills, insight into the mysterious world of search engine ranking & information on the development of the Pandia Search Central)

Archives available on website

Searcher (InfoToday)


The Magazine for Database Professionals and experienced, knowledgeable searchers, it combines evaluations of data content with discussions of delivery media, including news, searching tips & techniques, reviews of searchaid software, interviews with industry leaders and entrepreneurs.
Search Engine Report


Monthly newsletter that covers developments with search engines and changes to the Search Engine Watch web site.


Newsletter from Search Engine Watch featuring web search news, reviews, tools, tips, and search engine headlines from across the web.


Unmoderated mailing list for discussing:
  • search engine news
  • unusual search engine behavior
  • advanced searching techniques
  • search strategies
  • specialized searches
  • teaching search engines


Announcement list featuring search engine news including:
  • Search Engine Showdown updates
  • new search features
  • changed search features
  • inconsistencies & problems
  • new search engines
  • search tools
  • search engine literature

The newsletter is issued as news comes available (at least once a month).

Google friends newsletter

newsletter Planned traffic: About once a month

This is an announcement list for the Google Search Engine. Any important announcements of new features, indexes or other information will be sent to this list.

To subscribe, send an empty message to: Google-friends-subscribe@egroups.com

Google public support general


Newsgroup where Google users can discuss Google and how it works.
Websearch (About.com) Internet search newsletter
Actu Moteurs (sign up) SE newsletter from Abondance (in French).
more newsletters, mailing lists & forums   



Sites for Information Professionals and Researchers

Website Description
Internet News    
The Virtual Acquisition Shelf & News Desk Web resources and news, updated daily
About's Web Search Forum    



Tips and Tricks

Website Description
Un Trucco al Giorno (Italian) Tips for using Windows, Word, Excel, DOS, email, the internet etc. Use the site's search engine to find the tips you need.



The search engine experts

Website Description
Search Engine Watch This comprehensive site provides tips and information about searching the web.
Search Engine Showdown (or here) The users' guide to Web searching, this site compares and evaluates Internet search engines from the searcher's perspective. It includes search engine features chart, detailed search engine reviews, statistical analysis and search strategies.
Die Suchfibel Die Bedienung und bessere Nutzung von Suchmaschinen wird hier ausführlich und leicht verständlich erklärt. Sie finden Informationen zur Recherche im Internet, zur Suche im World Wide Web und in anderen Diensten. Sie erfahren, welche Suchmaschinen es gibt, welche Möglichkeiten sie bieten, und wie man sie bedient.
Motori di Ricerca L'obiettivo di MotoriDiRicerca.IT è quello di fornire informazioni pratiche e complete sull'uso dei motori di ricerca, i quali rappresentano uno strumento indispensabile per l'utilizzo della rete Internet.
Abondance Le site des outils de recherche d'information sur l'Internet.



Grammar and usage guides

Language Grammar and usage guide
English The American Heritage Book of English Usage

Fowler's King's English

The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr.

The American Language (vs. British English) by H. L. Mencken

Language and Usage (select "language and usage"; Many books) (Xrefer)

Guide to grammar and writing

German & English English/German False Friends
German Sprachspiegel (Forum)
Many Syllabos (Il portale linguistico italiano)

Verb conjugation

Many Verbix verb conjugator
It / En / De / Fr / Es / Pt etc. Coniugazione dei verbi
Es Conjugación verbal en el DRAE (Diccionario Real Academia Espanola)
Fr Conjugaison des verbes francais
Lat Conjugation of Latin verbs


De Rechtschreibwörterbuch
De Deutsche Rechtschreibung (Click on Neue Rechtschreibung on the left, then on Beispiele A-Z)
De Deutsche Rechtschreibung (or here &select!)



Style guides

Language Style guide
English The Economist Style Guide (or here, here) A new, revised version of The Economist's best-selling style guide, it gives general advice on writing, points out common errors and clichés, and offers guidance on consistent use of punctuation, abbreviations and capital letters.

Guardian Unlimited Style Guide

European Commission Translation Service Style Guide

Canergie Mellon's Writer's Style Guide (capitalization, grammar, punctuation, dates, number and places)

German Deutsche Rechtschreibung: Regeln und Wörterverzeichnis


Spanish Style Manual (Efe)

Style Manual (Arcom)

Portuguese Manual de Redação e Estilo

Livro de Estilo

MANY GNOME Localization Style Guides (examples: It, De, Fr all refer to En)



Translators' associations

Institute Country
Dolmetscher- und Übersetzervereinigung (DUEV) Switzerland
Swiss Association of Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters (ASTTI) Switzerland
Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti Italy
Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI) UK
Institute of Linguists UK



Professional translators

Website Description
ProZ Search for translators by language pair, country etc.
Foreign Word Database of translators: search by country, language combination, keywords in CV
Infomarex Database of translators: search by name, language combination
Translator Web Searchable database of translators by language, country, and field of specialization.
ILangua Bringing users, freelancers and translation companies together (4% fee on transactions, payable by translation companies); no charges for freelancers or users; registration is required (free).
Aquarius Bringing together translators and clients.
The Language Site  


Translator sites

Website Description
Internet resources for medical translators Gilberto Lacchia's collection of medical dictionaries and resources in German, Italian and English, to name a few.


Jobs for Translators

Website Description
ProZ Translation projects in all language pairs.
Jobs for Free-lance Translators This is a mailing list where ONLY JOBS for language translators may be posted.
Translation-Jobs This list is for posting (and receiving) translation job offers. The number of messages is lower than on Translation Job Opportunities (about half).
Translation Job Opportunities (tr_jobs) This list is specifically for posting (and receiving) translation job offers.



Internet Search Tutorials for Translators

Website Description
Internet Search Tutorial for Translators (Mabercom) by Manon Bergeron
Susan Larsson's Glossary Search Tips by Susan Larsson
Guide to Effective Searching of the Internet by BrightPlanet
Internet Search Tutorial by Pandia



Other resources for translators

Website Description
The Translator's Home Companion Useful source of information for the professional translator and those in need of translation services. The site covers resources available on the Internet and elsewhere for translators and interpreters.
TranslatorTips The aim of this site is to enhance and improve the lives of translators, helping them do better business. The site also offers a free newsletter (tranfree).
Translators' Site du Jour Daily announcement of interesting sites that may come in handy some day. You can search the archives for websites announced in the past.
Translation.net Resources for translators, list of translators etc.

Translation directory
All sorts of resources for translators
more / more  


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Web design by Tanya Harvey Ciampi