These "WWW Search Interfaces for Translators" are featured in the book "Google Hacks"
WWW Search Interfaces for Translators - English
Helping Translators Find Definitions and Translations of Terms on the Web

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Terminology research tips for translators Terminology research tips for translators - See how it's done! 

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These search interfaces are also available as MS Word macros (just one click from within Word!) Find out more...

Enter your search term in English...

Find an English glossary on the Internet   Use " " for phrases! (Help)

(Tip: if you enter a search term in another language, you might find a bi-/multilingual glossary)

Find parallel texts on the Internet   Use " " for phrases! (Help)
(SL = source language / URL = internet address)
(EN=English, DE=German, ES=Spanish, FR=French, IT=Italian, PT=Portuguese, NL=Dutch, SV=Swedish)














Find a list of abbreviations on the Internet   (Help) (or try glossary search above)


Find idioms, proverbs, slang & more on the Internet   Note: Enter max. 2 keywords. Examples: neck woods / "early bird". Only use " " for exact phrases.




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