ࡱ> |q`kbjbjqPqP4X::e`&&&&Z<Z<Z<Z<\?T'@(>@>@>@>@?B&eB qBs$h{|DA@?B|D|D&&>@>@GGG|D&l>@>@sG|DsGGRwd,f>@ @ 7;Z<Fkes$0'eF<ff"f yBLB6GB,'CUyByByBG"yByByB'|D|D|D|DD!D!&&&&&& Microsoft Word Macros for Translators (for Windows XP/Internet Explorer 6 and possibly other versions, too) written by Tanya Harvey Ciampi,  HYPERLINK "http://www.multilingual.ch" www.multilingual.ch Latest update: 10 September 2005 You are advised to read this document before installing the macro toolbars.   This document contains the following three toolbars: Translator macros (contains general macros for translators) Translator macros Dictionaries (contains dictionary look-up macros) Translator macros Parallel Texts (contains parallel text look-up macros) These toolbars contain the following macros for translators:  ShowHide: This macro shows/hides all hidden text and all space, tab, paragraph marks etc. It can be useful for when you need to spellcheck a text that you have translated using a translation memory program (so that the spellchecker skips the source text (thus avoiding endless spelling mistakes) and only checks the target text).  QuoteTransProof: This macro calculates the total number of characters including spaces in the MS Word document that you need to translate or proofread and works out the cost of translating or proofreading the text and the time required based on your own personal output. The character count covers normal text, text boxes, footnotes, endnotes, headers and footers and various other sections of a Word document that MS Words own character count ignores. A detailed list of the number of characters in all the different sections is provided. You may choose to print the key statistics to a new file. If you run the macro on several files, selecting the Print document statistics option every time, the key statistics for these documents will be listed in a single file, which you can then send to your client as a detailed quote.  PdfCharCount600: This macro works with Adobe Reader 6.00 (and possibly other versions). It calculates the total number of characters including spaces in the Adobe Acrobat Reader file (pdf file) that you need to translate or proofread and works out the cost of translating or proofreading the text and the time required based on your own personal output. In addition it copies the content of the pdf file to an MS Word document to facilitate editing if you do not have the Adobe Acrobat editor. NOTE: This macro only works on the text in pdf files and does not work on text that is not text as such but an image. Other versions available: PdfCharCount405c () for Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.05c (and possibly other versions) and PdfCharCount405a () for Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.05a (and possibly other versions). PROCEDURE: Open your pdf document in Adobe Acrobat Reader, then return to Word and click on the pdf character count macro corresponding to your version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.  InsertComment: This macro inserts {{}} at the location of the cursor for you to enter a comment or query. This is useful for marking points that you need to query with the author or terms that you feel you need to return to later on in the translation process.  InsertQuery: This macro inserts ?? around the term or phrase that you have highlighted. This is useful for marking terms that you need to check later.  SelectUpToNextWord: This macro selects text from where the cursor is to the first occurrence of a term of your choice. The macro may be run several times in succession to extend the selection to the next occurrence of the word or to a different word.  DeleteToPeriod: This macro can be useful if, when you translate, you leave the source text visible for a while until you are certain you have translated all parts of the sentence. This macro deletes all the text (e.g. the source text) right up to the next full stop (.).  PasteUnformatted: This macro pastes text that you have copied from elsewhere (from the same Word document, from the Web, from Excel etc.) into your Word document unformatted (and without any hyperlinks).  TermManage: This macro helps you manage your terminology while you translate (retrieving existing terms from your glossary and adding new ones to it) by automating repetitive tasks. How it works: Highlight a term (word or phrase) in the MS Word document that you are translating. Click on the TermManage macro button. You must create a new glossary the first time; after that you may open an existing glossary. NOTE: The glossary format must be observed (i.e. no text or spaces must be added before or after the table); column 1 = source language terms, column 2 = target language terms; you may add definitions and remarks in column 3. If the term that you have highlighted is in your glossary, it will be retrieved and replaced throughout your text. If the term is not in your glossary, you may add it. After entering a translation, the term will be replaced throughout your text (Press Ctrl-Z to undo this operation if necessary). NOTE: to look up a single word, you may also place the cursor at the beginning of the word or inside a word, but to look up a phrase, you will need to highlight the phrase in question. The TermManage macro may be called using the keyboard short-cut CTRL-G (if this doesnt work automatically, proceed as follows: In Word, select Tools/Customize and under Commands, click on the Keyboard button. On the left, under Categories, select Macros; on the right, under Macros, select Project.TranslatorMacros.TermManage (the full name might not be visible). Click in the box under New Combination, press CTRL-G and click on Assign. Close the window. If Word prompts you to save any changes when you close down Word, reply Yes.)  OpenMultilingual: This macro opens the WWW Search Interfaces for Translators at www.multilingual.ch/search_interfaces.htm  SearchGoogle: This macro searches Google for a word or phrase that you have highlighted in Word. You can use this macro to double-check expressions that you have used in your translation. NOTE: you may also simply place the cursor inside or at the beginning of a word that you wish to look up; to look up phrases, you will need to highlight the phrase in question.  GoogleUk: This macro searches Google for a word or phrase that you have highlighted in Word, restricting your search to websites in the UK and Ireland. You can use this macro to double-check expressions that you have used in your translation. NOTE: you may also simply place the cursor inside or at the beginning of the word you wish to look up; to look up phrases, you will need to highlight the phrase in question.  GoogleNewspapersUk: This macro searches Google for a word or phrase that you have highlighted in Word, restricting your search to UK newspapers websites. You can use this macro to double-check expressions that you have used in your translation. The sites used are the following: www.guardian.co.uk, www.timesonline.co.uk, www.independent.co.uk, www.telegraph.co.uk and www.economist.com NOTE: you may also simply place the cursor inside or at the beginning of the word you wish to look up; to look up phrases, you will need to highlight the phrase in question.  GoogleCh: This macro searches Google for a word or phrase that you have highlighted in Word, restricting your search to websites in Switzerland. You can use this macro to double-check expressions that you have used in your translation. NOTE: you may also simply place the cursor inside or at the beginning of the word you wish to look up; to look up phrases, you will need to highlight the phrase in question. WWW Search Interfaces for Translators Glossary search interfaces:  GoogleGlosEn: This macro searches Google (www.google.com) for a glossary containing the English word or phrase of up to 4 words that you have highlighted in Word. Google glossary search macros are also available for the following languages:  German /  French /  Italian /  Spanish /  Portuguese  ExaleadGlosEn: This macro searches Exalead (www.exalead.com) for a glossary containing the English word or phrase that you have highlighted in Word. Exalead glossary search macros are also available for the following languages:  German /  French /  Italian /  Spanish /  Portuguese FEATURES: ( To broaden your search, in Exalead you may add an asterisk (*) at the end of your search term to make use of the search engines truncation feature, which Google does NOT offer (e.g. Wertpapierh* to cover Wertpapierhaus, Wertpapierhuser and Wertpapierhusern) ( Alternatively, to narrow your search, in Exalead you may add quotation marks () either side of your search term to search for exact phrases (e.g. hedge fund). Finding translations: For a Spanish translation of an English term, for example, try searching for your English term using the Spanish glossary search macro: you may find a bilingual English/Spanish glossary. Parallel text search interfaces:  GgPtItEn: This macro searches Google for a page containing the term that you have highlighted in Word, specifically a page that suggests the existence of a translation of that same page in your target language (parallel texts). GgPtItEn finds a page containing your Italian term for which there is likely to be an English version, too. Macros are also available for the following language combinations:  English-Italian /  German-English /  English-German /  German-French /  French-German /  French-English /  English-French /  German-Italian /  Italian-German /  Italian-French (more available upon request! Contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi)  GoogleSearchEu: This macro searches the European Union website through Google for the word or phrase that you have highlighted in Word. This website usually has parallel texts in the following languages: DA, DE, EL, EN, ES, FI, FR, IT, NL, PT, SV To find the corresponding page in your target language, click on the language link on the page if available or else change the language code in the URL (especially in the case of pdf files). Dictionary look-up macros  f-e WordrefFrEn: This macro searches for your word in the French-English dictionary at www.wordreference.com. Macros are also available for the following language combinations: English-French / Italian-English / English-Italian / English-Spanish / Spanish-English (blue dictionary icon)  e WordrefEn: This macro searches for your word in the English dictionary at www.wordreference.com. (blue dictionary icon)  d/e LeoDeEnDe: This macro searches for your word in the German-English and English-German dictionaries at http://dict.leo.org. (teal dictionary icon)  d/f LeoDeFrDe: This macro searches for your word in the French-German and German-French dictionaries at http://dict.leo.org. (teal dictionary icon)  d/e DictCcDeEnDe: This macro searches for your word in the German-English and English-German dictionaries at www.dict.cc (green dictionary icon).  i-e SapereItEn: This macro searches for your word in the Italian-English dictionary at http://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=Init. Macros are also available for the following language combinations: English-Italian / Italian-German / German- Italian / Italian-French / French-Italian / Italian-Spanish (red dictionary icon)  d-e Pons: This macro searches for your word in the German-English dictionary at www.pons.de. Macros are also available for the following language combinations: English-German / German-French / French-German / German-Italian / Italian-German / German-Spanish / Spanish-German  OaldEn: This macro searches for your word in the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of English at http://www1.oup.co.uk.  MerriamWebsterEn: This macro searches for your word in the Merriam Webster English dictionary at http://www.m-w.com.  WahrigDe: This macro searches for your word in the German dictionary at http://www.wissen.de.  DwdsDe: This macro searches for your word in the German dictionary (Das Digitale Wrterbuch der Deutschen Sprache) at http://www.dwds.de/cgi-bin/dwds/test/query.cgi?wdg=1.  GarzantiIt: This macro searches for your word in the Garzanti Italian dictionary at http://www.garzantilinguistica.it (white G on green background).  GarzantiIt: This macro searches for your word in the Garzanti Italian synonym dictionary at http://www.garzantilinguistica.it (registration may be needed at this website, but the service is free and you will probably only have to enter your password the first time) (green G on white background).  GarzantiIt: This macro searches for your word in the Garzanti Italian-English dictionary at http://www.garzantilinguistica.it (blue G on white background).  GarzantiIt: This macro searches for your word in the Garzanti English-Italian dictionary at http://www.garzantilinguistica.it (white G on blue background).  GarzantiIt: This macro searches for your word in the Garzanti French-Italian dictionary at http://www.garzantilinguistica.it (white G on red background)..  GarzantiIt: This macro searches for your word in the Garzanti Italian-French dictionary at http://www.garzantilinguistica.it (red G on white background).  LangenscheidtDeEn: This macro searches for your word in the German-English Langenscheidt dictionary at http://www.langenscheidt.de/deutsch/testit/wbonline/index.html. A macro for English-German is also available ()  DiccionariosSp: This macro searches for your word in the Spanish dictionary at http://www.diccionarios.com.  LinguadictDeEn: This macro searches for your word in the German-English technical dictionary at http://www.tecnologix.net/laixicon, very similar to the Ernst Dictionary of Engineering and Technology. Macros are also availble for English-German (), German-French () and French-German ().  RocheLexikonDeEnDe: This macro searches for your medical term in the German/English Roche Medizin Lexikon at www.gesundheit.de/roche/ and covers both DE-EN and EN-DE. The dictionary also provides definitions in German.  DeEnDeDicts: This macro searches for your term in German-English and English-German dictionaries and terminology sites on the Internet using Google. The sites in question are the following: www.dict.uni-leipzig.de, www.dict.leo.org, www.dict.cc, www.odge.de, odge.info, www.branchenportal-deutschland.aus-stade.de, site:www.iee.et.tu-dresden.de and www.proz.com. _________________________________________________________________ more macros will be added in the future. Check back to www.multilingual.ch from time to time to get the latest macros. There are essentially three different methods for installing these macros: Note: Installing the macros in more than one way will result in your having two Translator macros toolbars in Word. The best method is Method 1 (saving the template in Words startup folder) as it allows you to update the macros from time to time with the least effort. To install these macros in MS Word Method 1 This method installs the macros in Words Startup folder so that they are opened every time you launch Word. Print this document for reference; Find out the full path of your Word Startup folder. To do so, in Word select Tools/Options/File Locations [Italian: Strumenti/Opzioni/Directory predefinite; German: Extras/Optionen/Speicherort fr Dateien; French: Outils/Options/?]. To view the full path, double-click on Startup [Italian: Avvio; German: Autostart] and then click on the downward-pointing arrow at the top of the dialog box to view the full path. Make a note of the full path; Close this document and open Explorer. There, move the file macros_for_translators.dot from where you have saved it to the Word Startup folder, at the location that you have just noted down, by right-clicking and selecting Cut and then Paste in the new location. The default locations for the Word Startup folder are the following: Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows 98, or Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me): => C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows 98, or Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me) with user profiles: => C:\WINDOWS\Profiles\user name\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP Microsoft Windows NT 4.0: => C:\WINNT\Profiles\user name\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP Microsoft Windows 2000: => C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP There is also a Startup folder in the directory that contains the Microsoft Office program files. Word checks this folder during startup, in addition to the locations listed above. Word then loads any templates or add-in libraries that it finds there. By default, this folder is in the following location: => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\STARTUP Close down all instances of Word and then launch Word again. From now on, the macros and toolbars should all be available every time you start up Word, because the template is automatically loaded on startup. (If this doesnt work, see alternative procedure below). Depending on your security settings, you may be asked whether you wish to activate the macros every time. Reply Enable macros if asked. To install these macros in MS Word Method 2 This method installs the macros in Words Normal.dot template so that they are opened every time you launch Word. Follow either the automatic procedure or the manual procedure. IMPORTANT: You are advised to back up your Normal.dot file first. Before beginning, make sure that you have opened this document (macros_for_translators.dot) FROM WITHIN WORD, i.e. selecting File/Open and browsing to the location to which you have saved the file [this is to ensure that the document is opened in .dot (template) mode, not in .doc (document) mode] and that you selected ENABLE MACROS when you opened the document. Automatic procedure: Press CTRL-SHIFT-N. (SHIFT=upward pointing arrow above CTRL on the left of your keyboard) The macros have now been copied to your Normal.dot template. Manual procedure: Print this document (macros_for_translators.dot) for reference. With this document (macros_for_translators.dot) open in MS Word, from Words main menu select Tools/Templates and Add-Ins (if you have Word in Italian: Strument/Modelli e Aggiunte; German: Extras/Vorlagen und Add-Ins... / French: Outils/Modles et complments...); Click on Organizer [Italian: Libreria; German: Organisieren]; Click on the Macro Project Items [Italian: Macro] tab. Under Macros available in [Italian: Macro disponibli in] on the bottom left-hand side, select macros_for_translators. In the white area on the left, you should now see Translator macros and Translator macros - Dictionaries. Select these both by holding CTRL down whilst you left-click on both (these are the macros available in the macros_for_translators.dot template), and click on the Copy>> button [Italian: Copia>>] to copy the macros to your Normal.dot, in the white area on the right. You will now see Translator macros and Translator macros - Dictionaries listed on the right as well;  If this does not work, it might be because on the right-hand side there is already an item by the same name. If this is the case, click once on the item on the right and press Rename [Italian: Rinomina] to rename it first (or delete it if you are simply overwriting the old version of the same macros), then highlight Translator macros and Translator macros - Dictionaries on the left and try copying it to the right again; Click on the Toolbars tab [Italian: Barre degli Strumenti; German: Symbolleisten / French: Barres doutils]. Under Toolbars available in [Italian: Barre degli strumenti disponibli in] on the bottom left-hand side, select macros_for_translators. In the white area on the left, you should now see Translator macros and Translator macros - Dictionaries. Select these both by holding CTRL down whilst you left-click on both (these are the toolbars available in the macros_for_translators.dot template), and click on the Copy>> button [Italian: Copia>>] to copy the toolbars to your Normal.dot, in the white area on the right. You will now see Translator macros and Translator macros - Dictionaries listed on the right as well; Close the file macros_for_translators.dot (this document). Now you should see the Translator macros and Translator macros - Dictionaries toolbars in Word. If you cannot see the toolbars, open them as follows: Select View/Toolbars [Italian: Visualizza/Barre degli strumenti; German: Ansicht/Symbolleisten; French: Affichage/Barres doutils] and then click on Translator macros and Translator macros - Dictionaries. Close down Word. Start up Word again, open a new document and try out the macros. To install these macros in MS Word Method 3 This method installs the macros under Words Templates & Add-ins. You will need to activate the add-in every time you open Word. Before beginning, make sure that you have opened this document (macros_for_translators.dot) FROM WITHIN WORD, i.e. selecting File/Open and browsing to the location to which you have saved the file [this is to ensure that the document is opened in .dot (template) mode, not in .doc (document) mode] and that you selected ENABLE MACROS when you opened the document. Automatic procedure: Press CTRL-SHIFT-T. (SHIFT=upward pointing arrow above CTRL on the left of your keyboard) The macros have now been added under Templates & Add-ins. To enable/disable the macros in MS Word, select Tools/Templates and Add-Ins [if you have Word in Italian: Strument/Modelli e Aggiunte; German: Extras/Vorlagen und Add-Ins... / French: Outils/Modles et complments...]. Tick Translator macros. To view/hide the Translator macros toolbars in Word To view/hide the Translator macros toolbars in Word, select View/Toolbars [Italian: Visualizza/Barre degli strumenti; German: Ansicht/Symbolleisten; French: Affichage/Barres doutils] and tick Translator macros. To remove the toolbar buttons that you do not need You may not need all of the macros available in the Translator macros toolbars and you may feel that the toolbar buttons occupy too much space in Word (besides, the toolbars may contain so many macros that some are hidden and not immediately visible). If so, you may delete the buttons that correspond to the macros that you feel you do not need. To delete the unnecessary buttons, proceed as follows: To find out which additional button(s) you wish to delete, hold your mouse (without clicking) over the various buttons in the Translator macros toolbars to discover which macros they correspond to (see text that appears). Right-click on one of the buttons that you wish to delete from the Translator macros toolbars. From the menu that appears,select Customize [Italian: Personalizza; German: Anpassen; French: Personnaliser]. Right-click once again on the button that you wish to delete and this time select Delete [Italian: Elimina; German: Lschen; French: Supprimer]. The button is now gone; You can always get them back again later by reinstalling the macro toolbars by one of the procedures described below (see Updating the macros). For an updated version of these macros, go to www.multilingual.ch. Simply proceed as specified above, overwriting the old macros_for_translators.dot with the new version. Updating the macros These macros are constantly being improved and added to. The online dictionaries on which some of these macros are based may from time to time change the way in which they work, so that these macros need modifying accordingly. Therefore, you are advised to check back to  HYPERLINK "http://www.multilingual.ch" www.multilingual.ch from time to time to download the latest version of these macros. The macros installed on your computer may be updated using any of the following methods: 1) If you have saved the template in your startup folder: Method 1 (easiest: save the new .dot file to the same folder. When asked if you wish to replace the earlier version, reply YES. No need to disinstall earlier version first.) 2) If you have copied the template to your Normal.dot template: Method 2, the manual procedure (you need to delete the old version first!) 3) If the template is in Words Tools/Templates & Add-ins: Method 3, the automatic procedure ************************************************************************ NOTE: Websites will from time to time undergo changes, which will affect the operation of the macros above. If you notice any macros not working properly, please report the problem to Tanya Harvey Ciampi at the following address:   IMPORTANT: For this macro to work, you need to set your security level in Word to Medium (recommended) or Low first. To do so, in Word select Tools/Macros/Security and under Security Level select Medium or Low. Close down Word. When you open this document (from within Word, with File/Open ...) you will be asked whether you wish to enable the macros in the document: Reply Yes. For more tips in case of problems go to: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us/302632 (or search the English-language knowledge base at http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx? for the number 302632) When you download this file to your hard disk, MAKE SURE that you call it macros_for_translators.dot. The .dot suffix indicates a template. CAUTION: The macros below are supplied AS IS. The author of these macros will not be responsible for any loss or damage caused by the use of these macros. %&35JkjQ<$.h h?5CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH (h?5CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH 1jh?5CJOJQJU\^JaJmH sH .h hk5CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH .h h5CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH %hhKCJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH %h-CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH +h hCJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH %h CJ$OJQJ\^JaJ$mH sH +h hCJ$OJQJ\^JaJ$mH sH  : ; = @ u v C D gdd{gdkgdhgdgdF=ehk: ϶ppp[P?.? h1hOJQJ^JmH sH  hhOJQJ^JmH sH hF=hF=mH sH (h5CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH +hq56CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH 1hF=hF=56CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH ,hR%h?0JCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH 1jh?5CJOJQJU\^JaJmH sH 7jhR%h?CJOJQJU^JaJmH sH (h?5CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH : ; < = > ? @ u  B C D F S o ҥseM8M(h5>*CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH .h\fh5>*CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH hhOJQJ^JmH sH hOJQJ^JmH sH "hhMCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH "hCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH .hh5>*CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (hh"CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH "hhCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH jhUmHnHuhOJQJ^JmH sH o t лu`H6$"htdCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH "hHCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH .hw0Qh5CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH (h&5CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH 7jhxh&5CJOJQJU\^JaJmH sH (hw0QhCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h. 5>*CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h5>*CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH .h\fh5>*CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH .h\fhk5>*CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH  T ] a j o îlWAAWW/"hbCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH +h3_hk5CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h&hkCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (hw0QhkCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH .hw0Qhk5CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH (hb5CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH (hk5CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH "hkCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH 1jhZhkCJOJQJU^JaJmH sH "hCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH  ) * ? 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Select Tools/Revisions; <Hourly RATE for proofreading:  4COST of proofreading job:  ^ob MS Word's own character count is quite a bit lower! There may be revision marks in the document. These need to be accepted before you can obtain a reliable character count. Proceed as follows: f1. Select the entire document with Edit/Select all;b 3. Right-click on the selected text and select 'Accept all' (or in the Revision menu that appears, click on the little arrow to the right of the 'Accept changes' icon and select 'Accept all'); 04. Run this macro again.  char./h: N Fa |3. Right-click on the selected text and select Accept all (or in the Revision menu that appears, click on the little arrow to the right of the 'Accept changes' icon and select 'Accept all'); ,Rough price in euros:   M FQ F) For exact value, visit the Universal Currency Converter: http://www.xe.com/ucc/- For an update of this macro, visit www.multilingual.ch or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.ɏYl|l F Arialu FR F 2Quote for translation job :Total characters incl. spaces :Translation rate per 55 char. &Cost of translationK Fa Fb FfĤIx8<2 For an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi. F Fy This macro calculates the cost of translating or proofreading a particular document based on your translation rate or proofreading rate. You need to open the document to be translated or proofread, run the macro and then enter your rate... ( Something is wrong! Please contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi / www.multilingual.chVBE6.DLL iE  iES 0 iE P\ F phttp://www.wordreference.com/fr/en/translation.asp?fren= {Enter} 8InternetExplorer.ApplicationVisible 6Microsoft Internet ExplorerNavigate phttp://www.wordreference.com/it/en/translation.asp?iten= Open a glossaryBeginDialog F FNameFilenameInfo F <P 8This macro searches the online Wordreference FR>EN dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up... iE p iEW  iE O 6This macro searches the online Wordreference IT>EN dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...& This is your glossary. Return to the document that you need to translate!CurValues? *** Please report any malfunctioning of this terminology management macro to Tanya Harvey Ciampi, www.multilingual.ch. ***5 First you need to open the document to be translated and highlight a source language word or phrase...UserDialogh This macro automates terminology management, searching your glossary for the term that you have highlighted, retrieving it if present (and replacing all instances in your translation) or adding it if new. <(Click OK, then press ALT-TAB)J F$ Click OK to open an existing glossary or Cancel to create a new one.; You are advised to create a new glossary for each new client or subject field. To see correct format, press Cancel.TextOkButtonCancelButtonEndDialog Dialog :Your glossary for this job is .- If you need to open a different glossary later, you will need to close down Word first. "No file selected.) A new glossary has been created. You need to save it now for the macro to work. F `The new glossary was not saved. Exiting macro... Source term Target term $Definition/Remarks ^The new glossary for this job has been saved as* If you need to open a different glossary, you will need to close down Word first.d Do not enter any text or spaces before or after the table. You may enter definitions and remarks in column 3. Singular and plural forms are considered different terms and are to be added separately ^Your glossary was closed. It has been reopened: N> is not in your glossary. Add it now? Term not found iE  iET    FPlease enter your translation rate. NYou must select a translation output... Word.Document.6 Text PC:\PROGRA~1\MSOFFI~1\WINWORD\WINWORD.EXE .Microsoft Word DocumentIconNumberLinkDisplayIcon ClassDataTypeIconFileNameCaption  EditPasteSpecial 4macros_for_translators.dot 4macros_for_translators.docI5-C0D$ NYou need to install these macros first! Adobe Reader %vyc %eo %el Microsoft Word ^v& You need to open the pdf document for which you need a character count... \This macro works for Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.00PdfCharCount700 rhttp://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&as_epq= *&q=site:uk OR site:ie Google Search:? This macro searches Google for the word or phrase that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term... K $This macro searches UK and IE sites through Google for the word or phrase that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term...  iE`  hhttp://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q= x&q=intitle:dictionary OR intitle:glossary OR intitle:lexiconV RThis macro searches Google for a glossary containing the English word or phrase of up to 4 words that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term... ^You need to highlight a word or phrase first...: F< F; F ????? This macro inserts question marks around a word or phrase that you have highlighted. You need to highlight a term first... &q=site:ch G This macro searches CH sites through Google for the word or phrase that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term... F, http://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=ForeignSearch&DS_userInput=; This macro shows and hides all hidden text, spaces, tabs, paragraph marks etc. First you need to open a document...  *&q=site:europa.eu.int* %22 inurl:inglese OR inurl:ingl OR inurl:%2be OR inurl:%2ben italiano OR italiana SAPERE.itP :This macro searches the European Union website through Google for the word or phrase that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term... nhttp://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q=%22 .&DS_resType=10&x=26&y=7 $This macro searches Google for a page containing the English term that you have highlighted in MS Word, specifically a page that suggests the existence of a translation of that same page in your target language Italian (parallel texts). First you need to highlight a term... \Wait for your browser to open and try again... WScript.Shell! |http://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=InitRun jhttp://www.wordreference.com/it/translation.asp?enit= &Italian Translation.1@V FDocumentk This macro searches the Italian-English dictionary at http://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=Init. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  <http://www.demauroparavia.it/_O 6This macro searches the online Wordreference EN>IT dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up... .&DS_resType=20&x=30&y=9 :http://www.oxfordparavia.it/_ 9txtRateProof_Changek This macro searches the English-Italian dictionary at http://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=Init. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up... OxfordParaviaItEnItDeMauroParaviaItR,F=a哵 ZOxford Paravia il dizionario italiano ingleseU NThis macro searches the online Oxford Paravia IT>EN and EN>EN dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  De Mauro LEO Results forP 8This macro searches the online De Mauro Paravia IT dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up... (($  GoogleNewspapersUkh2O!x( Jhttp://dict.leo.org/?p=10se..&search= @A This macro deletes all the text from the location of the cursor up to the next full stop. First you need to open a document... %vlc %eb \This macro works for Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.00 %22 - Google Search theTerm FT JThis macro searches the online EN>DE dictionary at http://dict.leo.org. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  LeoDeEnDe LeoDeFrDe DeEnDeDictssxDo~KhJYYR DDMQwT@_QTd`O LCIG*F.zGMye#> &q=site:guardian.co.uk OR site:timesonline.co.uk OR site:independent.co.uk OR site:telegraph.co.uk OR site:economist.com; This macro searches for your term on the websites of specific UK newspapers. First you need to highlight a term...Ӈ)DA䘇 g &q=inurl:dict.uni-leipzig.de OR inurl:proz.com OR site:dict.leo.org OR site:www.dict.cc OR site:odge.de OR site:odge.info OR site:branchenportal-deutschland.aus-stade.de OR site:www.iee.et.tu-dresden.de^ pThis macro searches online German-English and English-German dictionaries through Google for the word or phrase that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term... . %22 inurl:German OR inurl:g OR inurl:d OR inurl:deu OR inurl:%2blang OR inurl:dt English! ~%22 inurl:francais OR inurl:f OR inurl:fre OR inurl:fra English. "This macro searches Google for a page containing the German term that you have highlighted in MS Word, specifically a page that suggests the existence of a translation of that same page in your target language English (parallel texts). First you need to highlight a term...g &q=inurl:dict.uni-leipzig.de OR site:dict.leo.org OR site:www.dict.cc OR site:odge.de OR site:odge.info OR site:branchenportal-deutschland.aus-stade.de OR site:www.iee.et.tu-dresden.de OR inurl:proz.com"S2IHF DFNG??+O H9HqOHHiI LI P T X VRQ[1SWJJ \1]_1_a___KAKiKK ```bqb dd!eaee h1kfcKI[ mK llymYi1ɟiD#@"K!3$  4 >1)/'$ 4 lq5/$ 4 ,Q[$ 4li Hl$ 4liy Hl<$ 4liy Hl|$ 4liy Hl$ 4liy Hl$ 4liy Hl<$ 4liy Hl|$| 4li|y Hl$l 4lily Hl $\ 4li\y Hl <$L 4liLy Hl y$< 4li< hlc hQ$ 4li Hl $ 4li HlM$ 4li Hl$ 4li Hl$ 4li Hl $ 4li HlM$ 4li Hl$| 4li| Hl$l 4lil Hl  $\ 4li\ Hl M$L 4liL Hl $< 4li<{ x$x$ k *# *F/  *# *1/%x$    h%x$    X)x$    5} (V)x$    5 ()x$    5 (: )x$    5 (&)x$    5X (r)x$    5 ( )x$    5 ((7hHHPkw?898(  (p`869H(  (p`H6(  B::p:PlF@`:0 6`::p 5(]@U J::p:P:@` :0 6 ` (]@ J::p:P:@` :0 6 ` (]@ J::p:P:@` :0 6 ` (]@i J::p:P:@` :0 6 ` (]@ J::p:P:@` :0 6 ` (]@ ?::p:P`:@ 6`|(]@r J::p:P:@`| :0 6 ` l(]@ ?::p:Pl`:@ 6`\(]@ J::p:P:@`\ :0 6 ` L(]@{ J::p:P:@`L :0 6 ` <(]@ 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'Tk@" Display proofreading information VName of DOCUMENT:    \ 'V VNo. of CHARACTERS:  'V- Only show those statistics that are not zero 4 V  Main text:    4 'Vk0 6 V  Footnotes:    6 'Vk 8 V  Endnotes:    8 'Vk : V  Comments:    : 'Vk@ < V  Text boxes:    < 'Vk > V Even pages header:   > 'Vk @ V Primary header:    @ 'Vk@ B V Even pages footer:   B 'Vk D V Primary footer:    D 'Vk F V First page header:    F 'Vk8 H V First page footer:    H 'Vk VTotal CHARACTERS incl. spaces:   P char. 'V VMS Word's own character count:   R char. 'V VHourly RATE for proofreading:  SFr.  " 'V VCOST of proofreading job:   SFr.  P 0 "$ 'V VTIME required at  0 char./h:   P 0$ h  'V Compare various statistics 4 6 8 : < > @ B D F H 'J 6 8 : < > @ B D F H 'L P R 'N0 If Total characters exceeds MS Word's own count P R VDThis macro includes text that MS Word's own character count ignores.  'VkZ If the difference is large and cannot be accounted for by the presence of text boxes etc. N L VMS Word's own character count is quite a bit lower! There may be revision marks in the document. These need to be accepted before you can obtain a reliable character count. Proceed as follows:  'V V31. Select the entire document with Edit/Select all; 'V V2. Select Tools/Revisions; 'V V3. Right-click on the selected text and select Accept all (or in the Revision menu that appears, click on the little arrow to the right of the 'Accept changes' icon and select 'Accept all'); 'V V4. Run this macro again.  'Vk2 If Euro conversion box ticked on translation page !! TRough price in euros:  & 'TK!if final digit is 0 it is omitted TOFor exact value, visit the Universal Currency Converter: http://www.xe.com/ucc/  'T Euro conversion box not tickedd do nothingkh3 If Euro conversion box ticked on proofreading page !! VRough price in euros:  P 0 "Pkw?$ 'V!if final digit is 0 it is omitted VOFor exact value, visit the Universal Currency Converter: http://www.xe.com/ucc/  'V Euro conversion box not tickedd do nothingk end of if user clicked OKk TVFor an update of this macro, visit www.multilingual.ch or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.'T VVFor an update of this macro, visit www.multilingual.ch or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.'V% If user is on translation quote page !! Provide translation information T   A@& If user is on proofreading quote paged! Provide proofreading information V   A@k3 If chkPrintDocStats box ticked on translation page !!]8* If statistics haven't been printed before '0 Beginning of print document statistics to table B@]P Create new document B@]pPrintout name only `!b!'Arial !( Insert document headingQuote for translation job  B@ Give it a nice style  (  B@ Create a table with 2 columns !ZZ b!%.@ Print the document statistics to the table adding rows as we go %B@H !( File named B@  B@ !(Total characters incl. spacesd B@  B@ !(Translation rate per 55 char.d B@  B@ !(Cost of translationd B@ B@ !( \d B@  B@ Pd B@  B@ d B@  B@ $d B@ !B@' If statistics have been printed before i.e. if NotTheFirstTime = TruedActivate the printout $B@ B@` B@ !( \d B@  B@ Pd B@  B@ d B@  B@ $d B@1 End of If statistics haven't been printed beforekX: End of If chkPrintDocStats box ticked on translation pagek^ !This macro calculates the cost of translating or proofreading a particular document based on your translation rate or proofreading rate. You need to open the document to be translated or proofread, run the macro and then enter your rate...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@kx J PLSomething is wrong! Please contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi / www.multilingual.chA@ko DeleteToPeriod Macro. Macro created 01.07.02 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi] ^ `!b!' macros_for_translators.dot macros_for_translators.doc'You need to install these macros first!A@|k B@ !B@ !.9d5(d9 9999999 q@ !B@   B@ B@^ !~This macro deletes all the text from the location of the cursor up to the next full stop. First you need to open a document...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@k o 8 ShowHide Macro0 Macro created 03.04.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi^` !! !! 599q q d  599q q k ^ !sThis macro shows and hides all hidden text, spaces, tabs, paragraph marks etc. First you need to open a document...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@k o  WordrefDeEn Macro0 Macro created 05.06.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi] The last term searched for]( Term to look up in dictionary]@ Internet Explorer^  If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d0  Use the current selection !d'$k $$,'$8http://www.wordreference.com/fr/en/translation.asp?fren='. . $'.: If this is your first search then there is no theLastTerm "G0j= For F>E, D>E, I>E the website puts theTerm in the title bar! " 2%4 "$296C@q^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d0x Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q . &B@<k^ !This macro searches the online Wordreference FR>EN dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@kh $'"oXX WordrefItEn Macro0 Macro created 05.06.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi] The last term searched for] Term to look up in dictionary]( Internet Explorer^h If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d Use the current selection !d'$k $$,'$8http://www.wordreference.com/it/en/translation.asp?iten='. . $'.: If this is your first search then there is no theLastTerm "G0j= For F>E, D>E, I>E the website puts theTerm in the title bar! " 2%4 "$296C@qh^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d00( Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@qp . &B@<kX^P !This macro searches the online Wordreference IT>EN dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@k $'"o@ WordrefEnIt Macro0 Macro created 05.06.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi] Term to look up in dictionary] Internet Explorer^H? If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d> Use the current selection !d'$k> $$,'$5http://www.wordreference.com/it/translation.asp?enit='. . $'.Italian Translation 2%4Italian Translation$296C@q=^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d= Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q< . &B@<k<^< !This macro searches the online Wordreference EN>IT dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@kx;op; DictCcDeEnDe Macro0 Macro created 09.10.2004 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]  Term to look up in dictionary](  Internet Explorer^8( If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d' Use the current selection !d'$kx' $$,'$http://www.dict.cc/?s='. . $'.&dict.cc: English-German translation of 2%4&dict.cc: English-German translation of$296C@q&^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8dp&0h& Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q% . &B@<k%^% !This macro searches the online DE>EN and EN>DE dictionaries at www.dict.cc. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@kH$o@$@  WordrefEnDe Macro0 Macro created 05.06.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]  Term to look up in dictionary]  Internet Explorer^# If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d" Use the current selection !d'$k" $$,'$5http://www.wordreference.com/fr/translation.asp?enfr='. . $'.French Translation 2%4French Translation$296C@q"^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d! Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q! . &B@<k ^ !This macro searches the online Wordreference EN>FR dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@ko  WordrefEnSp Macro0 Macro created 05.06.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]  Term to look up in dictionary]  Internet Explorer^ If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$dh Use the current selection !d'$k0 $$,'$9http://www.wordreference.com/es/translation.asp?tranword='. . $'.Spanish Translation of 2%4Spanish Translation of$296C@qX^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d  Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@qh . &B@<kP^H !This macro searches the online Wordreference EN>SP dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@ko  WordrefSpEn Macro0 Macro created 05.06.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]`  Term to look up in dictionary]x  Internet Explorer^H If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d Use the current selection !d'$k $$,'$8http://www.wordreference.com/es/en/translation.asp?spen='. . $'.Microsoft Internet Explorer 2%4Microsoft Internet Explorer$296C@q^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8dx Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q . &B@<k^ !This macro searches the online Wordreference SP>EN dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@kho`  SelectUpToNextWord Macro/ Macro recorded 10.07.02 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi^ `(T Turn on ExtendMode (V( Ask for word up to which to select text]   3Enter the word up to which you wish to select text.  ETo make minor adjustments to selection, press SHIFT+Left/Right Arrow.'X&Select text from cursor point up to...'Z X Z$^'\ \$,'\ Perform the search !C@ \9d5(d9 `9999999 C@ 5bSearch word not found.A@kq Turn off ExtendMode (V `(T^P ! This macro selects text from where the cursor is to the first occurrence of a term of your choice. The macro may be run several times in succession to extend the selection to the next occurrence of the word or to a different word. First you need to open a document...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@ko  InsertComment Macro. Macro created 01.07.02 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]X ^  `!b!' macros_for_translators.dot macros_for_translators.doc'You need to install these macros first!A@|kx! If text is currently highlighted !l ( Unhighlight  B@k{{}}d B@ f h B@ !5j n9l r9p v9tq |7x(z5x(~qX  9 9 r9q0  B@  B@^ !This macro inserts a comment or query at the location of your cursor. You need to place your cursor in the right location of your text first...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@k o p  GoogleSearch Macro. Macro created 01.07.02 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]  ] ^ !l ( %*!d'$d !d'$k $$,'$9http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&as_epq='. . $'.96C@q ^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d  Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q . &B@<k ^ !zThis macro searches Google for the word or phrase that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@k o   OpenMultilingual Macro. Macro created 01.07.02 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi^{F12}%3A@8^oA@8http://www.multilingual.chA@8{Enter}A@8o 8  InsertQuery Macro. Macro created 01.07.02 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]x ^ `!b!' macros_for_translators.dot macros_for_translators.doc'You need to install these macros first!A@|k] !l (/You need to highlight a word or phrase first...A@|dx !d'$k` $$,'$ !5j n9l r9p v9tq |7x(z5x(~q????d B@  B@ !5j n9l r9p r9tqx |7x(z5x(~qH $d B@  B@ !5j n9l r9p r9tq |7x(z5x(~q^ !zThis macro inserts question marks around a word or phrase that you have highlighted. You need to highlight a term first...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@ko  WordrefEn Macro0 Macro created 13.06.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]  Term to look up in dictionary]  Internet Explorer^ If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d8 Use the current selection !d'$k $$,'$7http://www.wordreference.com/english/definition.asp?en='. . $'.English Definition 2%4English Definition$296C@q@^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@qP . &B@<k8^0 !This macro searches the EN>EN dictionary at WWW.WORDREFERENCE.COM for a word that you have highlighted. You need to highlight a term first...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@ko  CopyMacrosToNormalDot Macro0 Macro created 13.06.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]X ^p `!b!'LSpecifies the source, destination, name and the type of object being copied. b(  !TranslatorMacros  `B@  !Translator macros  `B@The Translator macros have been copied to your Normal.dot template, and the Translator macros toolbar should be visible every time you start up Microsoft Word.  You can enable/disable the Translator macros toolbar in Word at any time by selecting View/Toolbars and ticking/unticking *Translator macros*.  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@^|||o|p  InstallMacrosAsTemplate Macro0 Macro created 13.06.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi] ^| `!b!'Install the add-in.  `!B@PThe Translator macros have been installed under *Tools - Templates and Add-ins*.  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@^z|zoz  TermManage Macro. Macro by Tanya Harvey Ciampi 18/06/2003 13:00]] Path and name of glossary]8glossary name only]P]hz*** Please report any malfunctioning of this terminology management macro to Tanya Harvey Ciampi, www.multilingual.ch. ***' `!!' This macro automates terminology management, searching your glossary for the term that you have highlighted, retrieving it if present (and replacing all instances in your translation) or adding it if new.  fFirst you need to open the document to be translated and highlight a source language word or phrase...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@|xwkpw `!b!'? If the user tries to launch the macro from within the glossary  IThis is your glossary. Return to the document that you need to translate!  (Click OK, then press ALT-TAB)A@|pvkhv If no term is selected !l (6 Select this word if cursor is in the middle of a word8 or the following word if cursor is at beginning of word f B@ f B@ f h B@ !d'$d8u !d'$k uA !d'$$If macro is being run for first time ';Dialog box: ask user to open a glossary or create a new one] Return value of dialogue box]F !!.{wOpen a glossary B@ ~IDClick OK to open an existing glossary or Cancel to create a new one.  sYou are advised to create a new glossary for each new client or subject field. To see correct format, press Cancel. B@dXYX B@YX B@ B@ !!. User answer  !%'2 If user pressed OK (to open an existing glossary) ) Dialog box: prompt user to open glossary $If the user opens a file5%Call the opened glossary StatGlosName5 % '  B@ Set the glossary's name `!b!'Your glossary for this job is    .   WIf you need to open a different glossary later, you will need to close down Word first.A@`pIf the user clicks Canceld8pNo file selected.A@'|pkpqoIf user pressed CanceldoCreate a new glossary B@Prompt user to save it_xoOA new glossary has been created. You need to save it now for the macro to work.  WIf you need to open a different glossary later, you will need to close down Word first.A@nn '0The new glossary was not saved. Exiting macro...A@ bB@B|(nk n bB@ ') Create a table with 3 columns and 2 rows !ZZ   b!B@ Enter text in column 1 Source termd B@ Enter text in column 2  B@ Enter text in column 3 Target termd B@  B@Definition/Remarksd B@,Call the newly created glossary StatGlosName `!b!'/The new glossary for this job has been saved as      Do not enter any text or spaces before or after the table. You may enter definitions and remarks in column 3. Singular and plural forms are considered different terms and are to be added separatelyA@j) The user has clicked either OK or Cancelkj)If this macro has already been run beforekj'FActivate the glossary $B@(If the glossary has been closed, open itj   B@/Your glossary was closed. It has been reopened:      QIf you need to open a different glossary, you will need to close down Word first.A@ki'"Activate document to be translated $B@SEARCH GLOSSARY BEGINS HERE] !l ( %*!d'$d`h !d'$kHh% Remove extra spaces before and afterA !d'$ Go to glossary $B@g Go to top of the glossary  B@( Select column 1 of table (source terms)  h B@  B@  B@+ Search for term in column 1 (source terms)_f !B@ ! $9d5(d9 `9999999 qHf !B@ 0 Call routine to clear Find and Replace settingsA& If the term was found in the glossary !!b Select entire cell content %B@H/ Move left one character to highlight only text  h B@ Call this text EntireCell !d'$ Change to lower case for comparison $' $$'? If the exact term searched for is present in a cell of its own    Get translation in column 2 %B@H  B@  Call it "Translation" !d' c $ Return to document to be translated $B@ ` Show SL term and TL term from glossary and prompt user to replace all instances in rest of text- Dim r ' Return value of dialogue boxO Dim replacedlg As Object: Set glosdlg = WordBasic.CurValues.UserDialog@ WordBasic.BeginDialog 153, 123, 411, 119, "Term found!" WordBasic.Text 10, 6, 382, 73, "<" + theTerm + "> = <" + Translation + ">" & vbCr & "" & vbCr & "Replace this term in the rest of your text?" & vbCr & "" & vbCr & "(After closing this window, you may switch back to your glossary to view/enter a definition by pressing ALT+TAB.)"* WordBasic.OkButton 88, 89, 88, 21/ WordBasic.CancelButton 233, 89, 88, 21 WordBasic.EndDialog8 Set replacedlg = WordBasic.CurValues.UserDialog User answer8 r = WordBasic.Dialog.UserDialog(replacedlg, -1) & If the user clicks the OK button then If r = -1 Then ! Replace term in rest of document  REPLACEMENT BEGINS HERE  B@ !B@ !!B@ ! $9d 5(d9 `9999999 q^   !B@  8 Move to right of word or phrase replaced by moving left 4 then searching for term and moving right two spaces f B@ !B@ ! 9d5(d9 9999999 qX] !B@   B@ 0 Call routine to clear Find and Replace settingsA  REPLACEMENT ENDS HERE|\  If the user clicks Cancel Else Do nothing Exit Sub End Ifk8\ Select current cell %B@HK Move down to next cell and select remainder of column 1 to continue search  B@  B@kh[G Repeat this search & comparison until no further occurrences are found !!b Move down to deselect selection  B@* If the exact term was not in the glossary !!bxZ](@X0 Prompt user to enter a translation for new term< $ '> is not in your glossary. Add it now? 'XTerm not found'Z X Z$^' $,' If the user clicks Cancel $ Return to document to be translated $B@ Do nothing|YkY Go to bottom of glossary  B@ Insert a row B@  B@% Add source language term to glossary $d B@  B@% Add target language term to glossary d B@ '( Move cursor to definition/remarks field  B@ WkWSEARCH GLOSSARY ENDS HEREoXWpM Removes any spaces, tabs, paragraph marks and manual line breaks on the left   $  B@oVN Removes any spaces, tabs, paragraph marks and manual line breaks on the right   $$ " B@ oVAAoU0 GoogleGlossDe Macro/ Macro created 21.6.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]p]^`U !l ( %*!d'$d0U !d'$kU $$,'$4http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q='. ."$ $"$'. .;&q=intitle:lexikon OR intitle:glossar OR intitle:wrterbuch'. Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@qS . &B@<^S !This macro searches Google for a glossary containing the German word or phrase of up to 4 words that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@k8Ro0R GoogleGlossEn Macro/ Macro created 21.6.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]](^Q !l ( %*!d'$dpQ !d'$kXQ $$,'$4http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q='. ."$ $"$'. .<&q=intitle:dictionary OR intitle:glossary OR intitle:lexicon'. Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@qO . &B@<^O !This macro searches Google for a glossary containing the English word or phrase of up to 4 words that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@kxNopN@ GoogleGlossSp Macro/ Macro created 21.6.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]]^M !l ( %*!d'$dM !d'$kM $$,'$4http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q='. ."$ $"$'. .<&q=intitle:diccionario OR intitle:glosario OR intitle:lxico'. Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@qL . &B@<^L !This macro searches Google for a glossary containing the Spanish word or phrase of up to 4 words that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@kJoJ GoogleGlossPt Macro/ Macro created 21.6.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi] ]8^ J !l ( %*!d'$dI !d'$kI $$,'$4http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q='. ."$ $"$'. .<&q=intitle:dicionrio OR intitle:glossrio OR intitle:lxico'. Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@qXH . &B@<^@H !This macro searches Google for a glossary containing the Portuguese word or phrase of up to 4 words that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@kFoFP GoogleGlossIt Macro/ Macro created 21.6.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]]^`F !l ( %*!d'$d0F !d'$kF $$,'$4http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q='. ."$ $"$'. .=&q=intitle:dizionario OR intitle:glossario OR intitle:lessico'. Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@qD . &B@<^D !This macro searches Google for a glossary containing the Italian word or phrase of up to 4 words that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@k8Co0C GoogleGlosFr Macro/ Macro created 21.6.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]0]H^B !l ( %*!d'$dpB !d'$kXB $$,'$4http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q='. ."$ $"$'. .?&q=intitle:dictionnaire OR intitle:glossaire OR intitle:lexique'. Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q@ . &B@<^@ !This macro searches Google for a glossary containing the French word or phrase of up to 4 words that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@kx?op?` !C@5B@9d5(d9 `9999999 q>o> PdfCharCount405c MacroP Pastes the entire content of an open Adobe Acrobat file (pdf file) into MS WordJ and calls the character count macro TransQuoteProof to obtain a quote for* translation/proofreading of the pdf file.]' If there are no documents open in Word ! Open a new document B@2H=k@=T If user tries to run the macro when the template macros_for_translators.dot is open$ Call the open document ThisDocument `!b!' macros_for_translators.dot macros_for_translators.doc'You need to install these macros first! 4  A@|<k< Open a new document B@2; Clear the clipboard] .6 6B@: 6B@<>h; If Adobe Acrobat Reader is openAcrobat Reader 2%4Acrobat Reader$296C@q:H Switch to continuous page view to be able to copy all content in one go%vcA@8+ Select and copy entire content of pdf file^a^cA@8d0:>(:k :Microsoft Word 2%46 Get the text on the clipboard into a string variable:]]8 .@ @B@D @!F'BU If there is nothing in clipboard, i.e. no change since clipboard was cleared earlierP meaning Acrobat Reader was open, but no pdf file was open in it; pdf file might% be open in Internet Explorer instead BYou need to open the pdf document for which you need a character count. The document must be opened in Acrobat Reader, not in Internet Explorer... 4  A@' Close the empty newly created document bB@B|7k7Microsoft Word$296C@qP7& Paste content of pdf document in Word^vA@81 Move right one character to remove any selection  B@k6  B@ Call character count subroutineA >P6IYou need to open the pdf document for which you need a character count...  /This macro works for Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.05c 4  A@' Close the empty newly created document bB@Bkh5o`5P PdfCharCount405a MacroP Pastes the entire content of an open Adobe Acrobat file (pdf file) into MS WordJ and calls the character count macro TransQuoteProof to obtain a quote for* translation/proofreading of the pdf file.]' If there are no documents open in Word ! Open a new document B@23k3T If user tries to run the macro when the template macros_for_translators.dot is open$ Call the open document ThisDocument `!b!' macros_for_translators.dot macros_for_translators.doc'You need to install these macros first! 4  A@|2k2 Open a new document B@2P2>H2 If Adobe Acrobat Reader is open Adobe Acrobat 2%4 Adobe Acrobat$296C@q1V Switch to continuous page view to be able to copy all content in one go: Alt-v then c%vcA@88 Copy entire pdf document to clipboard with Alt-e then y%eyA@8T Higlight entire pdf document to show what was copied to clipboard with Alt-e then s%esA@8d0>0kx0Microsoft Word 2%4Microsoft Word$296C@q0& Paste content of pdf document in Word^vA@81 Move right one character to remove any selection  B@kx/  B@ Call character count subroutineA >/IYou need to open the pdf document for which you need a character count...  /This macro works for Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.05a 4  A@' Close the empty newly created document bB@Bk0.o(. PdfCharCount600 MacroP Pastes the entire content of an open Adobe Acrobat file (pdf file) into MS WordJ and calls the character count macro TransQuoteProof to obtain a quote for* translation/proofreading of the pdf file.]' If there are no documents open in Word ! Open a new document B@2,k,T If user tries to run the macro when the template macros_for_translators.dot is open$ Call the open document ThisDocument `!b!' macros_for_translators.dot macros_for_translators.doc'You need to install these macros first! 4  A@|X+kP+ Open a new document B@2+>+ If Adobe Acrobat Reader is open Adobe Reader 2%4 Adobe Reader$296C@q*] Switch to continuous page view to be able to copy all content in one go: Alt-v then y then c%vycA@88 Copy entire pdf document to clipboard with Alt-e then o%eoA@8T Higlight entire pdf document to show what was copied to clipboard with Alt-e then l%elA@8dP)>H)k@)Microsoft Word 2%4Microsoft Word$296C@q(& Paste content of pdf document in Word^vA@81 Move right one character to remove any selection  B@k@(  B@ Call character count subroutineA >'IYou need to open the pdf document for which you need a character count...  .This macro works for Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.00 4  A@' Close the empty newly created document bB@Bk&o&]@ Source document]X Target document]p Source language term] Target language term] Counter] Return value of dialogue box]] `!!' LThis macro carries out machine translation using the terms in your glossary.  ]First you need to open the document to be translated and the glossary that you wish to use...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@|$k$ %\ Z. List of documents available %\ ^8. List of documents available Checking for errors`# Stop screen flicker7 Alternative method: Application.ScreenUpdating = False `(64 Fills in the two lists with the documents available T %\ T %b T + Z T %b T + ^"" Declaration in first dialogue box~3Select your glossary and your document to translate B@A Glossary:Texte1 B@d11 Doc:Texte2 B@d$ Z ListeDroul1 B@d3$ ^ ListeDroul2 B@dZX B@SZX B@ B@]@F !!.fh!" Affichage de la bote de dialogue f !%'V+ If the user has clicked the OK button then V Affectation du document source f!j$ Z' N Affectation du document cible f!l$ ^' PC If the source document is not the same as the target document then N P- Declaration of the confirmation dialogue box{w Go ahead? B@ ~IGet terms from glossary:  N  and replace in document:  P Texte1 B@dXYX B@YX B@ B@ !!.f !!.f2 Affichage de la bote de dialogue de confirmation f !%'VJ If the user clicks the OK button then go ahead and do machine translation VUWith large glossaries, this macro may take a while... To interrupt, press CTRL-BREAK!  BPlease report any bugs to Tanya Harvey Ciampi, www.multilingual.chA@ Activate the glossary N$B@ go to top of glossary  B@/ Until the end of the document is reached do...'X %n BEGINNING of get a and b select entire cell content %B@H/ Move left one character to highlight only text  h B@ Call this text a !d'R Get translation in column 2  B@ Call it "b" !d' go back to column 1  B@ move to cell below  B@ END of get a and b Activate target document P$B@ go to top of document  B@ REPLACEMENT BEGINS HERE !B@ !!B@ ! R9d 5(d9 9999999 q   !B@  REPLACEMENT ENDS HERE Activate the glossary N$B@'X% Go back to document to be translated P$B@A If the user clicks the Cancel button to halt machine translationdpk? If the source document is the same as the target document thend:The glossary and document to translate cannot be the same!A@h`kX> If user clicks Cancel to avoid selecting the two texts to usedpkMachine translation complete!A@ Error handling`  XMachine translation complete!A@k`ERROR: Your glossary must be in the form of a table with at least 2 columns, with source language terms in column 1 and target language terms in column 2 (column 3 may be used for definitions etc.).  ]Make sure there are no extra spaces or extra text before or after the table in your glossary! 4  A@kp `(6oX PonsDeEn Macro0 Macro created 10.07.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi3 Searches the online PONS German-English dictionary] Term to look up in dictionary] Internet Explorer^ If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d` Use the current selection !d'$k( $$,'$Ghttp://www.vokabeltrainer.pons.de/cgi-bin/wb/wb.pl?Richtung=DE&Begriff='. . $ '.PONSline 2%4PONSline$296C@qh^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d0 Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@qx . &B@<k`^X !This macro searches the online PONS German-English dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@k o PonsEnDe Macro0 Macro created 10.07.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi3 Searches the online PONS English-German dictionary] Term to look up in dictionary]  Internet Explorer^ If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d Use the current selection !d'$kX $$,'$Ghttp://www.vokabeltrainer.pons.de/cgi-bin/wb/wb.pl?Richtung=ED&Begriff='. . $ '.PONSline 2%4PONSline$296C@q ^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d`  Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q . &B@<k ^ !This macro searches the online PONS English-German dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@kP oH 8 PonsDeIt Macro0 Macro created 10.07.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi3 Searches the online PONS German-Italian dictionary]x Term to look up in dictionary] Internet Explorer^H  If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d  Use the current selection !d'$k $$,'$Ghttp://www.vokabeltrainer.pons.de/cgi-bin/wb/wb.pl?Richtung=DI&Begriff='. . $ '.PONSline 2%4PONSline$296C@q^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q . &B@<k^ !This macro searches the online PONS German-Italian dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@kox PonsItDe Macro0 Macro created 10.07.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi3 Searches the online PONS Italian-German dictionary] Term to look up in dictionary] Internet Explorer^x If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d Use the current selection !d'$k $$,'$Ghttp://www.vokabeltrainer.pons.de/cgi-bin/wb/wb.pl?Richtung=ID&Begriff='. . $ '.PONSline 2%4PONSline$296C@q^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q . &B@<k^ !This macro searches the online PONS Italian-German dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@ko PonsDeFr Macro0 Macro created 10.07.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi2 Searches the online PONS German-French dictionary]X Term to look up in dictionary]p Internet Explorer^ If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d( Use the current selectionkMicrosoft Internet Explorer 2%410 Macro created 09.10.2004 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi O]P Term to look up in dictionarycati]h Internet Explorer^p If nothing is selectedet !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d Use the current selection !d'$an dk $$,'$ee,http://dict.leo.org/?lang=de&lp=frde&search='.word . $'.ooLEO Ergebnisse fr 2%4pdLEO Ergebnisse fr$296C@q^oA@8ya .{Enter}A@8d0 Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.&vey &!6G &(6jonliMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q . &B@<iok^ !ko LeoDeFrDe MacroThis macro searches the online DE>FR and FR>DE dictionaries at http://dict.leo.org. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@ Macro creata il 27/05/2005 da .](]^H !l ( %*!d'$xpd !d'$etExk $$,'$9http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&as_epq='.xplore . $'.Google Search: 2%4aFoGoogle Search:$2e ma96C@q` ^oA@8ta .{Enter}A@8A@d(  Open Internet Explorer PInternetExplorer.Application$:.&003 &!6G &(6j2 SMicrosoft Internet Explorer$2ionary96C@qp . &B@< ikX ^P !This macro searches online German-English and English-German dictionaries through Google for the word or phrase that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@0 Mko DeEnDeDicts Macro .&q=English inurl:dict.uni-leipzig.de OR site:dict.leo.org OR site:www.dict.cc OR site:odge.de OR site:odge.info OR site:branchenportal-deutschland.aus-stade.de OR site:www.iee.et.tu-dresden.de OR site:www.onlinewoerterbuecher.de OR inurl:proz.com'.tion`li ItEnItDicts Macro]0od]H^P !l ( %*!d'$e d  !d'$u-drk $$,'$nl9http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&as_epq='. . $'.eeGoogle Search: 2%4$:Google Search:$2&(96C@q8^oA@8re .{Enter}A@8d Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.&onli &!6G &(6j//diMicrosoft Internet Explorer$2ent an96C@qH . &B@<wik0^( !This macro searches online German-English and English-German dictionaries through Google for the word or phrase that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@d yoko! Macro creata il 1/03/2006 da THC .T&q=English inurl:wordreference OR inurl:websters-dictionary-online OR inurl:proz.com'.8P3er Format Macror an B@tact TArial !(A@ !(  B@ro creo' Macro registrata il 30/05/2006 da THC.ef .S%22 inurl:francais OR inurl:f OR inurl:fre OR inurl:fra OR inurl:francaise English '.up... @2 inurl:francais OR inurl:f OR inurl:fre OR inurl:fra OR inurl:francaise English '. d .S%22 inurl:francais OR inurl:f OR inurl:fre OR inurl:fra OR inurl:francaise English '.up... hx aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@ko PonsDeFr Macro0 Macro created 10.07.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi2 Searches the online PONS German-French dictionary]X Term to look up in dictionary]p Internet Explorer^ If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d( Use the current selectionkMicrosoft Internet Explorer 2%41 !d'$ $$,'$Ghttp://www.vokabeltrainer.pons.de/cgi-bin/wb/wb.pl?Richtung=DF&Begriff='. . $ '.PONSline 2%4PONSline$296C@q0^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q@ . &B@<k(^ !This macro searches the online PONS German-French dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@ko PonsFrDe Macro0 Macro created 10.07.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi2 Searches the online PONS French-German dictionary] Term to look up in dictionary] Internet Explorer^ If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d` Use the current selection !d'$k( $$,'$Ghttp://www.vokabeltrainer.pons.de/cgi-bin/wb/wb.pl?Richtung=FD&Begriff='. . $ '.PONSline 2%4PONSline$296C@qh^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d0 Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@qx . &B@<k`^X !This macro searches the online PONS French-German dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@k o PonsDeSp Macro0 Macro created 10.07.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi3 Searches the online PONS German-Spanish dictionary]8 Term to look up in dictionary]P Internet Explorer^ If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d Use the current selection !d'$kX $$,'$Ghttp://www.vokabeltrainer.pons.de/cgi-bin/wb/wb.pl?Richtung=DS&Begriff='. . $ '.PONSline 2%4PONSline$296C@q^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d` Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q . &B@<k^ !This macro searches the online PONS German-Spanish dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@kPoHh PonsSpDe Macro0 Macro created 10.07.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi3 Searches the online PONS Spanish-German dictionary] Term to look up in dictionary] Internet Explorer^H If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d Use the current selection !d'$k $$,'$Ghttp://www.vokabeltrainer.pons.de/cgi-bin/wb/wb.pl?Richtung=SD&Begriff='. . $ '.PONSline 2%4PONSline$296C@q^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q . &B@<k^ !This macro searches the online PONS Spanish-German dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@kox OaldEn Macro0 Macro created 05.06.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi9 Searches the online Oxford Advanced Learner's dictionary] Term to look up in dictionary]0 Internet Explorer^x If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d Use the current selection !d'$k $$,'$Jhttp://www1.oup.co.uk/elt/oald/cgi-bin/Web_lookup_options2.pl?search_word='. . $ '. .8&select=all_options%3Dfalse&numads=5&show_srch_form=true '.http://www1.oup.co.uk 2%4http://www1.oup.co.uk$296C@q^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8dP Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q . &B@<k^x !This macro searches the online Oxford Advanced Learner's dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@k8o0H GarzantiIt Macro0 Macro created 11.07.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi0 Searches the online Garzanti Italian dictionary] Term to look up in dictionary] Internet Explorer^8 If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d Use the current selection !d'$kx $$,'$Phttp://www.garzantilinguistica.it/interna_ita.html?sinonimi=0&exact=true&parola='. . $ '.Garzanti Linguistica 2%4Garzanti Linguistica$296C@q^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8 DIGITA WEB 2%4e DIGITA WEB$296C@q^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q( . &B@<k^ !This macro searches the online Garzanti Italian dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@ko GarzantiItEn Macro0 Macro created 20.08.2004 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi8 Searches the online Garzanti Italian-English dictionary% at http://www.garzantilinguistica.it] Term to look up in dictionary] Internet Explorer^ If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d Use the current selection !d'$k $$,'$Ghttp://www.garzantilinguistica.it/interna_eng.html?dizionario=1&parola='. . $ '.Garzanti Linguistica 2%4Garzanti Linguistica$296C@q^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8 DIGITA WEB 2%4e DIGITA WEB$296C@qx^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d@ Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q . &B@<kp^h !This macro searches the online Garzanti Italian-English dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@k(o ( GarzantiEnIt Macro0 Macro created 20.08.2004 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi8 Searches the online Garzanti English-Italian dictionary% at http://www.garzantilinguistica.it]h Term to look up in dictionary] Internet Explorer^ If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d` Use the current selection !d'$k( $$,'$Ghttp://www.garzantilinguistica.it/interna_eng.html?dizionario=2&parola='. . $ '.Garzanti Linguistica 2%4Garzanti Linguistica$296C@qP^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8 DIGITA WEB 2%4e DIGITA WEB$296C@q^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q . &B@<k^ !This macro searches the online Garzanti English-Italian dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@kox GarzantiFrIt Macro0 Macro created 20.08.2004 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi7 Searches the online Garzanti French-Italian dictionary% at http://www.garzantilinguistica.it] Term to look up in dictionary] Internet Explorer^@ If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d Use the current selection !d'$k $$,'$Ghttp://www.garzantilinguistica.it/interna_fra.html?dizionario=2&parola='. . $ '.Garzanti Linguistica 2%4Garzanti Linguistica$296C@q^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8 DIGITA WEB 2%4e DIGITA WEB$296C@q(^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q8 . &B@<k ^ !This macro searches the online Garzanti French-Italian dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@ko GarzantiItFr Macro0 Macro created 20.08.2004 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi7 Searches the online Garzanti Italian-French dictionary% at http://www.garzantilinguistica.it]H Term to look up in dictionary]` Internet Explorer^ If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d Use the current selection !d'$k $$,'$Ghttp://www.garzantilinguistica.it/interna_fra.html?dizionario=1&parola='. . $ '.Garzanti Linguistica 2%4Garzanti Linguistica$296C@q^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8 DIGITA WEB 2%4e DIGITA WEB$296C@q^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8dH Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q . &B@<kx^p !This macro searches the online Garzanti Italian-French dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@k0o(x GarzantiItSyn Macro0 Macro created 20.08.2004 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi< Searches the online Garzanti Italian dictionary of synonyms% at http://www.garzantilinguistica.it] Term to look up in dictionary] Internet Explorer^ If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d` Use the current selection !d'$k( $$,'$Phttp://www.garzantilinguistica.it/interna_ita.html?sinonimi=0&exact=true&parola='. . $ '.Garzanti Linguistica 2%4Garzanti Linguistica$296C@qH^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8 DIGITA WEB 2%4e DIGITA WEB$296C@q^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q . &B@<k^ !This macro searches the online Italian dictionary of synonyms. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@kox WahrigDe Macro0 Macro created 05.06.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi0 Searches the online Wahrig Deutsches Wrterbuch]( Term to look up in dictionary]@ Internet Explorer^ If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d Use the current selection !d'$k $$,'$Nhttp://www.wissen.de/xt/default.do?MENUNAME=Suche&SEARCHTYPE=germandict&query='. . $'. wissen.de 2%4 wissen.de$296C@q^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q . &B@<k^ !This macro searches the online Wahrig Deutsches Wrterbuch. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@koX DwdsDe Macro0 Macro created 09.10.2004 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi] Term to look up in dictionary] Internet Explorer^ If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d` Use the current selection !d'$k( $$,'$-http://www.dwds.de/cgi-bin/portalL.pl?search='. . $'.Suchwort 2%4Suchwort$296C@q^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8dH0@ Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q . &B@<kp^h !This macro searches the online DE dictionary, Das Digitale Wrterbuch der Deutschen Sprache, at http://www.dwds.de/cgi-bin/dwds/test/query.cgi?wdg=1. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@kؽoн DiccionariosSp Macro0 Macro created 05.06.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi; Searches the online Spanish dictionary at diccionarios.com] Term to look up in dictionary]  Internet Explorer^ If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d8 Use the current selection !d'$k $$,'$?http://www.diccionarios.com/index.phtml?diccionario=dgle&query='. . $ '. Diccionarios.com 2%4 Diccionarios.com$296C@q8^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@qH . &B@<k0^( !This macro searches the online Spanish dictionary at diccionarios.com. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@ko8 MerriamWebsterEn Macro0 Macro created 05.06.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi. Searches the online MerriamWebster dictionary]x Term to look up in dictionary] Internet Explorer^ If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$dX Use the current selection !d'$k $$,'$9http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va='. . $ '.Merriam-Webster OnLine 2%4Merriam-Webster OnLine$296C@qH^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@qX . &B@<k@^8 !This macro searches the online Merriam-Webster dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@ko LinguadictDeEn Macro0 Macro created 05.06.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi[ Searches the online DE>EN dictionary at http://www.linguatec.net/online/dict/en/index.html] Term to look up in dictionary] Internet Explorer^Ȳ If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d@ Use the current selection !d'$k $$,'$8http://www.linguatec.net/etsonline/wortsuche.cgi?l=1&dt='. . $ '. .$&en=&neu=1&lem=1&sel=0&dtalt=&enalt= '. linguaDict - 2%4 linguaDict -$296C@q^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q( . &B@<k^ !This macro searches the online DE>EN dictionary at http://www.linguatec.net/online/dict/en/index.html. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@ko LinguadictEnEn Macro0 Macro created 05.06.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi[ Searches the online EN>DE dictionary at http://www.linguatec.net/online/dict/en/index.html]X Term to look up in dictionary]p Internet Explorer^p If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d Use the current selection !d'$k $$,'$<http://www.linguatec.net/etsonline/wortsuche.cgi?l=1&dt=&en='. . $ '. . &neu=1&lem=1&sel=0&dtalt=&enalt= '. linguaDict - 2%4 linguaDict -$296C@q^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@qЪ . &B@<k^ !This macro searches the online EN>DE dictionary at http://www.linguatec.net/online/dict/en/index.html. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@kPoH LinguadictDeFr Macro0 Macro created 05.06.2003 by Tanya Harvey CiampiO Searches the online DE>FR dictionary at http://www.linguatec.net/online/dictf/] Term to look up in dictionary] Internet Explorer^( If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d Use the current selection !d'$kh $$,'$1http://www.linguatec.net/online/dictf/wsf.cgi?dt='. . $ '. .&en=&neu=1&lem=1&sel=0 '. linguaDict - 2%4 linguaDict -$296C@q^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8dP Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q . &B@<k^x !This macro searches the online DE>FR dictionary at http://www.linguatec.net/online/dictf/. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@k o LinguadictFrDe Macro0 Macro created 05.06.2003 by Tanya Harvey CiampiO Searches the online FR>DE dictionary at http://www.linguatec.net/online/dictf/]8  Term to look up in dictionary]P  Internet Explorer^ If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$dp Use the current selection !d'$k8 $$,'$5http://www.linguatec.net/online/dictf/wsf.cgi?dt=&en='. . $ '. .&neu=1&lem=1&sel=0 '. linguaDict - 2%4 linguaDict -$296C@q`^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d( Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@qp . &B@<kX^P !This macro searches the online FR>DE dictionary at http://www.linguatec.net/online/dictf/. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@koh  LangenscheidtDeEn Macro/ Macro created 4.08.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi< Searches the online Langenscheidt German-English dictionary]  Term to look up in dictionary]  Internet Explorer^ If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$dX Use the current selection !d'$k $$,'$<http://www.langenscheidt.de/cgi-bin/powerwb/search.pl?instr='. . $ '. .7&lang=powde&table=powde&match=whole&abbr=on&connect=off '.(Langenscheidts Fachwrterbuch Wirtschaft 2%4(Langenscheidts Fachwrterbuch Wirtschaft$296C@q^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d B@ Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@qؚ . &B@<k .Wait for your browser to open and try again...A@ WScript.Shell$:.6http://www.langenscheidt.de/cgi-bin/powerwb/search.pl?'. . B@ B@k^ !This macro searches the DE>EN version of the online Langenscheidt Power Dictionary English at http://www.langenscheidt.de/deutsch/testit/wbonline/index.html. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@kHo@  LangenscheidtEnDe Macro/ Macro created 4.08.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi< Searches the online Langenscheidt English-German dictionary]! Term to look up in dictionary]0! Internet Explorer^0 If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d Use the current selection !d'$kp $$,'$<http://www.langenscheidt.de/cgi-bin/powerwb/search.pl?instr='. . $ '. .7&lang=powed&table=powed&match=whole&abbr=on&connect=off '.(Langenscheidts Fachwrterbuch Wirtschaft 2%4(Langenscheidts Fachwrterbuch Wirtschaft$296C@q0^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d B@ Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q( . &B@<k .Wait for your browser to open and try again...A@ WScript.Shell$:.6http://www.langenscheidt.de/cgi-bin/powerwb/search.pl?'. . B@ B@k8^0 !This macro searches the EN>DE version of the online Langenscheidt Power Dictionary English at http://www.langenscheidt.de/deutsch/testit/wbonline/index.html. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@koH! SapereItFr Macro/ Macro created 4.08.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi1 Searches the online Italian-French dictionary at? http://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=Init]! Term to look up in dictionary]! Internet Explorer^P If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$dȏ Use the current selection !d'$k $$,'$Uhttp://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=ForeignSearch&DS_userInput='. . $ '. .&DS_resType=12&x=32&y=6 '. SAPERE.it 2%4 SAPERE.it$296C@q^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d` B@H Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q . &B@<kxp .Wait for your browser to open and try again...A@ WScript.Shell$:.>http://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=Init'. . B@ B@k^ !This macro searches the Italian-French dictionary at http://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=Init. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@k o! SapereFrIt Macro/ Macro created 4.08.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi1 Searches the online French-Italian dictionary at? http://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=Init]! Term to look up in dictionary]" Internet Explorer^؉ If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$dP Use the current selection !d'$k $$,'$Uhttp://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=ForeignSearch&DS_userInput='. . $ '. .&DS_resType=22 '. SAPERE.it 2%4 SAPERE.it$296C@q(^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d B@؇ Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q . &B@<k .Wait for your browser to open and try again...A@ WScript.Shell$:.>http://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=Init'. . B@ B@k(^ !This macro searches the French-Italian dictionary at http://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=Init. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@ko(" SapereItEn Macro/ Macro created 4.08.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi2 Searches the online Italian-English dictionary at? http://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=Init]h" Term to look up in dictionary]" Internet Explorer^h If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d Use the current selection !d'$k $$,'$Uhttp://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=ForeignSearch&DS_userInput='. . $ '. .&DS_resType=10&x=26&y=7 '. SAPERE.it 2%4 SAPERE.it$296C@q^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8dx B@` Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q . &B@<k .Wait for your browser to open and try again...A@ WScript.Shell$:.>http://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=Init'. . B@ B@k^ !This macro searches the Italian-English dictionary at http://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=Init. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@k8~o0~" SapereEnIt Macro/ Macro created 4.08.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi2 Searches the online English-Italian dictionary at? http://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=Init]" Term to look up in dictionary]" Internet Explorer^| If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$dh| Use the current selection !d'$k0| $$,'$Uhttp://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=ForeignSearch&DS_userInput='. . $ '. .&DS_resType=20&x=30&y=9 '. SAPERE.it 2%4 SAPERE.it$296C@q8{^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d{ B@z Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q0z . &B@<kzz .Wait for your browser to open and try again...A@ WScript.Shell$:.>http://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=Init'. . B@ B@k8y^0y !This macro searches the English-Italian dictionary at http://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=Init. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@kwow# SapereItDe Macro/ Macro created 4.08.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi1 Searches the online Italian-German dictionary at? http://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=Init]H# Term to look up in dictionary]`# Internet Explorer^xv If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$du Use the current selection !d'$ku $$,'$Uhttp://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=ForeignSearch&DS_userInput='. . $ '. .&DS_resType=11&x=37&y=4 '. SAPERE.it 2%4 SAPERE.it$296C@qt^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8dt B@pt Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@qs . &B@<kss .Wait for your browser to open and try again...A@ WScript.Shell$:.>http://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=Init'. . B@ B@kr^r !This macro searches the Italian-German dictionary at http://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=Init. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@kHqo@qx# SapereDeIt Macro/ Macro created 4.08.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi1 Searches the online German-Italian dictionary at? http://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=Init]# Term to look up in dictionary]# Internet Explorer^p If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$dxo Use the current selection !d'$k@o $$,'$Uhttp://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=ForeignSearch&DS_userInput='. . $ '. .&DS_resType=21 '. SAPERE.it 2%4 SAPERE.it$296C@qPn^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8dn B@n Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@qHm . &B@<k0m(m .Wait for your browser to open and try again...A@ WScript.Shell$:.>http://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=Init'. . B@ B@kPl^Hl !This macro searches the German-Italian dictionary at http://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=Init. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@kjoj# SapereItEs Macro/ Macro created 4.08.2003 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi2 Searches the online Italian-Spanish dictionary at? http://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=Init]($ Term to look up in dictionary]@$ Internet Explorer^i If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$di Use the current selection !d'$kh $$,'$Uhttp://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=ForeignSearch&DS_userInput='. . $ '. .&DS_resType=13 '. SAPERE.it 2%4 SAPERE.it$296C@qg^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8dg B@g Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@qf . &B@<kff .Wait for your browser to open and try again...A@ WScript.Shell$:.>http://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=Init'. . B@ B@ke^e !This macro searches the Italian-Spanish dictionary at http://www.sapere.it/gr/DictionarySearchServlet?DS_action=Init. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@ bB@BkXdoPdX$ HtmlCharCount Macro3 Macro created on 18/08/2004 by Tanya Harvey CiampiH Pastes the content of the html page open in Microsoft Internet Explorer9 in Notepad to clean the text and then into Word and then# launches the character count macro]$]$' If there are no documents open in Word ! Open a new document B@2bkb9 Open a new document in any case to copy the html text to B@2(b Clear the clipboard]$ .6 6B@: 6B@<>a' If Microsoft Internet Explorer is openMicrosoft Internet Explorer 2%4Microsoft Internet Explorer$296C@q aA Select and copy entire content of the html file to the clipboard^a^cA@8d`>`k`* Go to Notepad and paste the web page text Blocco note 2%4 Blocco note$2C@ 9q(`d `0 open Notepad at C:\WINDOWS\system32\notepad.exe notepad.exeA@  Blocco note$2(k_4 Select any existing text in Notepad, paste the textG from the html file over it, select it all and copy it to the clipboard ready to paste into Word%{m}{z}^{v}%{m}{z}^{c}A@8 If MS Word is open, which it isMicrosoft Word 2%46 Get the text on the clipboard into a string variable:]$]% .@ @B@D @!F'BU If there is nothing in clipboard, i.e. no change since clipboard was cleared earlier# meaning there was no text to copy; BRIf the text of the html file is in the form of an image, this macro will not work. 4  A@' Close the empty newly created document bB@B|\k\Microsoft Word$296C@qp\ `!b!'% Paste content of html page into Word^vA@81 Move right one character to remove any selection  B@  B@ Call character count subroutineAI If the Print Statistics option was chosen from the QuoteTransProof macro b! * Call the printout file MyPrintoutFilename `!b!'kZ> Go to the Word session where the html file content was pasted $B@0 and close the document so as to delete the text bB@BI If the Print Statistics option was chosen from the QuoteTransProof macro> and the document open right now contains the Print Statistics b! 4 If Microsoft Internet Explorer is open, which it isMicrosoft Internet Explorer 2%4Microsoft Internet Explorer$296C@qX) Select and copy the URL of the html file%d^cA@8dX>XkX Go back to statistics printout $B@Microsoft Word$296C@  B@  B@  B@^{v}A@8qWkWkW >WXYou need to open the html page - ONE page only - for which you need a character count...  This macro works for the Italian version of Notepad and Internet Explorer. To modify it to make it work with programs in a different language, please contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi, tel. ++41 (0)91 796 36 58. Make sure you click the box to PRINT DOCUMENT STATISTICS! 4  A@' Close the empty newly created document bB@BkUoU % GgPtItEn Macro. Macro created 28.11.04 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]`%x%]%^0U !l ( %*!d'$dU !d'$kT $$,'$7http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q=%22'. . $'. .F%22 inurl:Italian OR inurl:italiano OR inurl:ita OR inurl:%2bi English'. Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@qxS . &B@<^`S !This macro searches Google for a page containing the Italian term that you have highlighted in MS Word, specifically a page that suggests the existence of a translation of that same page in your target language English (parallel texts). First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@kQoQ% GgPtEnIt Macro. Macro created 28.11.04 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]%&]&^ Q !l ( %*!d'$dP !d'$kP $$,'$7http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q=%22'. . $'. .Q%22 inurl:inglese OR inurl:ingl OR inurl:%2be OR inurl:%2ben italiano OR italiana'. Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q`O . &B@<^HO !This macro searches Google for a page containing the English term that you have highlighted in MS Word, specifically a page that suggests the existence of a translation of that same page in your target language Italian (parallel texts). First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@kMoM0& GgPtEnDe Macro. Macro created 28.11.04 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]p&&]&^M !l ( %*!d'$dL !d'$kL $$,'$7http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q=%22'. . $'. .^%22 inurl:englisch OR inurl:engl OR inurl:%2be OR inurl:%2ben OR inurl:eng Deutsch OR Deutsche'. Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q8K . &B@<^ K !This macro searches Google for a page containing the English term that you have highlighted in MS Word, specifically a page that suggests the existence of a translation of that same page in your target language German (parallel texts). First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@kpIohI& GgPtDeEn Macro. Macro created 28.11.04 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]&']('^H !l ( %*!d'$dH !d'$kH $$,'$7http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q=%22'. . $'. .X%22 inurl:German OR inurl:g OR inurl:d OR inurl:deu OR inurl:%2blang OR inurl:dt English'. Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@qG . &B@<^G !This macro searches Google for a page containing the German term that you have highlighted in MS Word, specifically a page that suggests the existence of a translation of that same page in your target language English (parallel texts). First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@kPEoHE@' GgPtFrDe Macro. Macro created 28.11.04 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]'']'^D !l ( %*!d'$dD !d'$kxD $$,'$7http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q=%22'. . $'. .b%22 inurl:Franzoesisch OR inurl:franz OR inurl:f OR inurl:%2blang OR inurl:fra Deutsch OR Deutsche'. Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@qB . &B@<^B !This macro searches Google for a page containing the French term that you have highlighted in MS Word, specifically a page that suggests the existence of a translation of that same page in your target language German (parallel texts). First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@k(Ao A' GgPtDeFr Macro. Macro created 28.11.04 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]( (]8(^@ !l ( %*!d'$dh@ !d'$kP@ $$,'$7http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q=%22'. . $'. .h%22 inurl:allemand OR inurl:g OR inurl:d OR inurl:deu OR inurl:dt OR inurl:%2blang franais OR franaise'. Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q> . &B@<^> !This macro searches Google for a page containing the German term that you have highlighted in MS Word, specifically a page that suggests the existence of a translation of that same page in your target language French (parallel texts). First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@k<o<P( GgPtDeIt Macro. Macro created 28.11.04 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]((](^h< !l ( %*!d'$d8< !d'$k < $$,'$7http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q=%22'. . $'. .>%22 inurl:tedesco OR inurl:ted OR inurl:d italiano OR italiana'. Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q: . &B@<^: !This macro searches Google for a page containing the German term that you have highlighted in MS Word, specifically a page that suggests the existence of a translation of that same page in your target language Italian (parallel texts). First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@k8o8( GgPtItDe Macro. Macro created 28.11.04 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi])0)]H)^`8 !l ( %*!d'$d08 !d'$k8 $$,'$7http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q=%22'. . $'. .V%22 inurl:italienisch OR inurl:italiano OR inurl:ita OR inurl:%2bi Deutsch OR Deutsche'. Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q6 . &B@<^6 !This macro searches Google for a page containing the Italian term that you have highlighted in MS Word, specifically a page that suggests the existence of a translation of that same page in your target language German (parallel texts). First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@k4o4`) GgPtFrEn Macro. Macro created 28.11.04 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]))])^@4 !l ( %*!d'$d4 !d'$k3 $$,'$7http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q=%22'. . $'. Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q2 . &B@<^h2 !This macro searches Google for a page containing the French term that you have highlighted in MS Word, specifically a page that suggests the existence of a translation of that same page in your target language English (parallel texts). First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@k0o0) GgPtEnFr Macro. Macro created 28.11.04 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi](*@*]X*^(0 !l ( %*!d'$d/ !d'$k/ $$,'$7http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q=%22'. . $'. .j%22 inurl:inurl:anglais OR inurl:angl OR inurl:%22e OR inurl:%22en OR inurl:anglaise franais OR franaise'. Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@qP. . &B@<^8. !This macro searches Google for a page containing the English term that you have highlighted in MS Word, specifically a page that suggests the existence of a translation of that same page in your target language French (parallel texts). First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@k,o,p* GgPtItFr Macro. Macro created 28.11.04 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]**]*^+ !l ( %*!d'$d+ !d'$k+ $$,'$9http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q={%}22'. . $'. .X{%}22 inurl:italien OR inurl:italiano OR inurl:ita OR inurl:{%}2bi franais OR franaise'. Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q(* . &B@<^* !This macro searches Google for a page containing the Italian term that you have highlighted in MS Word, specifically a page that suggests the existence of a translation of that same page in your target language French (parallel texts). First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@k`(oX(* ExaleadGlosEn Macro/ Macro created 4.12.2004 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]8+P+]h+^' !l ( %*!d'$d' !d'$k' $$,'$"http://beta.exalead.com/search/?q='. . $'. .0+title%3A%28glossary+OR+dictionary+OR+lexicon%29'. Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q8& . &B@<^ & !This macro searches Exalead for a glossary containing the English word or phrase of up to 4 words that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@k$o$+ ExaleadGlosDe Macro/ Macro created 4.12.2004 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]++]+^@$ !l ( %*!d'$d$ !d'$k# $$,'$"http://beta.exalead.com/search/?q='. . $'. .4+title%3A%28glossar+OR+lexikon+OR+w%C3%B6rterbuch%29'. Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q" . &B@<^" !This macro searches Exalead for a glossary containing the German word or phrase of up to 4 words that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@kH!o@!, ExaleadGlosFr Macro/ Macro created 4.12.2004 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]H,`,]x,^ !l ( %*!d'$d !d'$kh $$,'$"http://beta.exalead.com/search/?q='. . $'. .3+title%3A%28dictionnaire+OR+glossaire+OR+lexique%29'. Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q . &B@<^ !This macro searches Exalead for a glossary containing the French word or phrase of up to 4 words that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@ko, ExaleadGlosIt Macro/ Macro created 4.12.2004 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi],,]-^  !l ( %*!d'$d !d'$k $$,'$"http://beta.exalead.com/search/?q='. . $'. .1+title%3A%28dizionario+OR+glossario+OR+lessico%29'. Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q . &B@<^x !This macro searches Exalead for a glossary containing the Italian word or phrase of up to 4 words that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@k0o(- ExaleadGlosSp Macro/ Macro created 4.12.2004 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]X-p-]-^ !l ( %*!d'$dh !d'$kP $$,'$"http://beta.exalead.com/search/?q='. . $'. .5+title%3A%28diccionario+OR+glosario+OR+l%C3%A9xico%29'. Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q . &B@<^ !This macro searches Exalead for a glossary containing the Spanish word or phrase of up to 4 words that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@ko- ExaleadGlosPt Macro/ Macro created 4.12.2004 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]--].^ !l ( %*!d'$d !d'$k $$,'$"http://beta.exalead.com/search/?q='. . $'. .?+title%3A%28dicion%C3%A1rio+OR+gloss%C3%A1rio+OR+l%C3%A9xico%29'. Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@qh . &B@<^P !This macro searches Exalead for a glossary containing the Portuguese word or phrase of up to 4 words that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@ko(. GoogleSearchEu Macro/ Macro created 4.12.2004 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi]h..].^h !l ( %*!d'$d8 !d'$k  $$,'$9http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&as_epq='. . $'. .&q=site:europa.eu.int'.]P1h1]1^ !l (96C@q0^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q@ . &B@<k(^  !This macro searches the European Union website through Google for the word or phrase that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@ko. RocheLexikonDeEnDe Macro0 Macro created 12.12.2004 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi\ Searches the online German-English-German Roche Medizin Lexikon at www.gesundheit.de/roche/]. Term to look up in dictionary]/ Internet Explorer^  If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located %*!d'$d  Use the current selection !d'$k $$,'$;http://www.gesundheit.de/roche/cgi-bin/search.pl?userInput='. . $ '. Trefferliste 2%4 Trefferliste$296C@q( ^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d  Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q8 . &B@<k ^ !This macro searches the online German-English-German Roche Medizin Lexikon at www.gesundheit.de/roche/. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@k o  / GoogleUk Macro3 Macro created by Tanya Harvey Ciampi on 10/04/2003]`/x/]/^ !l ( %*!d'$d !d'$k $$,'$9http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&as_epq='. . $'. .&q=site:uk OR site:ie'.96C@q^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q . &B@<k^ !This macro searches UK and IE sites through Google for the word or phrase that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@ko/ GoogleCh Macro3 Macro created by Tanya Harvey Ciampi on 10/04/2003]/0]0^ !l ( %*!d'$d !d'$k $$,'$9http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&as_epq='. . $'. . &q=site:ch'.Microsoft Internet Explorer 2%4 %*!d'$96C@q^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8d Open Internet ExplorerInternetExplorer.Application$:.& &!6G &(6jMicrosoft Internet Explorer$296C@q . &B@<k^ !This macro searches CH sites through Google for the word or phrase that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@ko00 PasteUnformatted Macro2 Macro creata il 07/01/2005 da Tanya Harvey CiampiWord.Document.6Text(C:\PROGRA~1\MSOFFI~1\WINWORD\WINWORD.EXEMicrosoft Word Document B@o0 PdfCharCount700 MacroP Pastes the entire content of an open Adobe Acrobat file (pdf file) into MS WordMicrosoft Internet Explorer 2%4d !d'$`2Xcrosoft Internet Explorer 2%4d !d'$`2J and calls the character count macro TransQuoteProof to obtain a quote for* translation/proofreading of the pdf file.]p0' If there are no documents open in Word ! Open a new document B@2kT If user tries to run the macro when the template macros_for_translators.dot is open$ Call the open document ThisDocument `!b!' macros_for_translators.dot macros_for_translators.doc'You need to install these macros first! 4  A@|k Open a new document B@2>x If Adobe Acrobat Reader is open Adobe Reader 2%4 Adobe Reader$296C@q] Switch to continuous page view to be able to copy all content in one go: Alt-v then l then c%vlcA@88 Copy entire pdf document to clipboard with Alt-e then b%ebA@8T Higlight entire pdf document to show what was copied to clipboard with Alt-e then l%elA@8d>kMicrosoft Word 2%4Microsoft Word$296C@qH& Paste content of pdf document in Word^vA@81 Move right one character to remove any selection  B@k  B@ Call character count subroutineA >HIYou need to open the pdf document for which you need a character count...  .This macro works for Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.00 4  A@' Close the empty newly created document bB@Bk`oXP10 Macro created 10.06.2005 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi ]0 The last term searched for ']0 Term to look up in dictionarych i]0 Internet Explorer^` If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is located  %*!d'$thd Use the current selection !d'$ k $$,'$ . $'.Wi: If this is your first search then there is no theLastTerm "G0jrue 96C@q`^oA@8 .{Enter}A@8 Ifd(0  Open Internet ExploreropInternetExplorer.Application$:.& you &!6G &(6j& vbMicrosoft Internet Explorer$2ian ve96C@qh . &B@<. kP^H !http://www.oxfordparavia.it/_'.drk $'"o OxfordParaviaItEnIt MacroThis macro searches the online Oxford Paravia IT>EN and EN>EN dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@URL -Oxford Paravia il dizionario italiano inglese 2%4 = Tru-Oxford Paravia il dizionario italiano inglese$2 a d2De Mauro 2%4acro0 Macro created 10.06.2005 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi d]1 The last term searched forsh to ]1 Term to look up in dictionaryated]1 Internet Explorer^ If nothing is selectedar !l (, Select the term where the cursor is locatedalian  %*!d'$nud` Use the current selection !d'$xplok( $$,'$Obhttp://www.demauroparavia.it/_'. . $'.<>: If this is your first search then there is no theLastTerm "G0jsiblDe Mauro$2diI Searches for your term in the onlibe De Mauro Paravia Italian dictionary96C@q^oA@8t .{Enter}A@8 Word,d0 Open Internet ExplorerceInternetExplorer.Application$:.&targ &!6G &(6jl teMicrosoft Internet Explorer$2." & v96C@q . &B@<iok^ !k $'"oxThis macro searches the online De Mauro Paravia IT dictionary. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@Microsoft Internet Explorer 2%4Microsoft Internet Explorer$2GoogleMicrosoft Internet Explorer$2nt andMicrosoft Internet Explorer$2Microsoft Internet Explorer$2up... 3 Macro created by Tanya Harvey Ciampi on 10/04/2003os, vikp $$,'$H 9http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&as_epq='.IE.Vis . $'. Microsoft Internet Explorer 2%4Microsoft Internet Explorer$2Err.Nu96C@qh^oA@8rc .{Enter}A@8ainingd0 Open Internet ExplorerghInternetExplorer.Application$:.&gest &!6G &(6jtionMicrosoft Internet Explorer$2 Itali96C@qx . &B@< hk`^X !k(o  GoogleNewspapersUk Macro .x&q=site:guardian.co.uk OR site:timesonline.co.uk OR site:independent.co.uk OR site:telegraph.co.uk OR site:economist.com'.lerThis macro searches for your term on the websites of specific UK newspapers. First you need to highlight a term...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@pl0 Macro created 09.10.2004 by Tanya Harvey Ciampiis]02 Term to look up in dictionarys of]H2 Internet Explorer^ If nothing is selected !l (, Select the term where the cursor is locatedILINGU %*!d'$ Hd Use the current selection !d'$> TrkX $$,'$ru . $'. =LEO Results for 2%4 ILEO Results for$2f 96C@q^oA@8ro .{Enter}A@8e contdp0h Open Internet ExplorerteInternetExplorer.Application$:.&sts &!6G &(6jon oMicrosoft Internet Explorer$2erman 96C@q . &B@<ghk^ !kHo@ LeoDeEnDe Macroellhttp://dict.leo.org/?lp=ende&lang=de&searchLoc=0&cmpType=relaxed&relink=on§Hdr=on&spellToler=std&search='.ch/sThis macro searches the online DE>EN and EN>DE dictionaries at http://dict.leo.org. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@("axed&relink=on§Hdr=on&spellToler=std&search='.ch/sThis macro searches the online DE>EN and EN>DE dictionaries at http://dict.leo.org. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up...  aFor an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi.A@("pt Internet Explorer") .Visible = True .Activate End With IE.Navigate URL Mainstop: If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "This macro searches Google for a page containing the German term that you have highlighted in MS Word, specifically a page that suggests the existence of a translation of that same page in your target language English (parallel texts). First you need to highlight a term..." & vbCr & "" & vbCr & "For an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi." End If End Sub Sub GgPtFrDe() ' ' GgPtFrDe Macro ' Macro created 28.11.04 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi ' Dim theTerm, URL As String Dim IE As Object On Error GoTo Mainstop If Selection.Type = wdSelectionIP Then theTerm = Selection.Words(1).Text Else theTerm = Selection.Text End If theTerm = Trim(theTerm) URL = "http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q=%22" URL = URL & theTerm URL = URL & "%22 inurl:Franzoesisch OR inurl:franz OR inurl:f OR inurl:%2blang OR inurl:fra Deutsch OR Deutsche" ' Open Internet Explorer Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") If IE.Visible <> True Then IE.Visible = True With Tasks("Microsoft Internet Explorer") .Visible = True .Activate End With IE.Navigate URL Mainstop: If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "This macro searches Google for a page containing the French term that you have highlighted in MS Word, specifically a page that suggests the existence of a translation of that same page in your target language German (parallel texts). First you need to highlight a term..." & vbCr & "" & vbCr & "For an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi." End If End Sub Sub GgPtDeFr() ' ' GgPtDeFr Macro ' Macro created 28.11.04 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi ' Dim theTerm, URL As String Dim IE As Object On Error GoTo Mainstop If Selection.Type = wdSelectionIP Then theTerm = Selection.Words(1).Text Else theTerm = Selection.Text End If theTerm = Trim(theTerm) URL = "http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q=%22" URL = URL & theTerm URL = URL & "%22 inurl:allemand OR inurl:g OR inurl:d OR inurl:deu OR inurl:dt OR inurl:%2blang franais OR franaise" ' Open Internet Explorer Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") If IE.Visible <> True Then IE.Visible = True With Tasks("Microsoft Internet Explorer") .Visible = True .Activate End With IE.Navigate URL Mainstop: If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "This macro searches Google for a page containing the German term that you have highlighted in MS Word, specifically a page that suggests the existence of a translation of that same page in your target language French (parallel texts). First you need to highlight a term..." & vbCr & "" & vbCr & "For an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi." End If End Sub Sub GgPtDeIt() ' ' GgPtDeIt Macro ' Macro created 28.11.04 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi ' Dim theTerm, URL As String Dim IE As Object On Error GoTo Mainstop If Selection.Type = wdSelectionIP Then theTerm = Selection.Words(1).Text Else theTerm = Selection.Text End If theTerm = Trim(theTerm) URL = "http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q=%22" URL = URL & theTerm URL = URL & "%22 inurl:tedesco OR inurl:ted OR inurl:d italiano OR italiana" ' Open Internet Explorer Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") If IE.Visible <> True Then IE.Visible = True With Tasks("Microsoft Internet Explorer") .Visible = True .Activate End With IE.Navigate URL Mainstop: If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "This macro searches Google for a page containing the German term that you have highlighted in MS Word, specifically a page that suggests the existence of a translation of that same page in your target language Italian (parallel texts). First you need to highlight a term..." & vbCr & "" & vbCr & "For an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi." End If End Sub Sub GgPtItDe() ' ' GgPtItDe Macro ' Macro created 28.11.04 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi ' Dim theTerm, URL As String Dim IE As Object On Error GoTo Mainstop If Selection.Type = wdSelectionIP Then theTerm = Selection.Words(1).Text Else theTerm = Selection.Text End If theTerm = Trim(theTerm) URL = "http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q=%22" URL = URL & theTerm URL = URL & "%22 inurl:italienisch OR inurl:italiano OR inurl:ita OR inurl:%2bi Deutsch OR Deutsche" ' Open Internet Explorer Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") If IE.Visible <> True Then IE.Visible = True With Tasks("Microsoft Internet Explorer") .Visible = True .Activate End With IE.Navigate URL Mainstop: If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "This macro searches Google for a page containing the Italian term that you have highlighted in MS Word, specifically a page that suggests the existence of a translation of that same page in your target language German (parallel texts). First you need to highlight a term..." & vbCr & "" & vbCr & "For an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi." End If End Sub Sub GgPtFrEn() ' ' GgPtFrEn Macro ' Macro created 28.11.04 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi ' Dim theTerm, URL As String Dim IE As Object On Error GoTo Mainstop If Selection.Type = wdSelectionIP Then theTerm = Selection.Words(1).Text Else theTerm = Selection.Text End If theTerm = Trim(theTerm) URL = "http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q=%22" URL = URL & theTerm URL = URL & "%22 inurl:francais OR inurl:f OR inurl:fre OR inurl:fra English" inurl: francaise "" ' Open Internet Explorer Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") If IE.Visible <> True Then IE.Visible = True With Tasks("Microsoft Internet Explorer") .Visible = True .Activate End With IE.Navigate URL Mainstop: If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "This macro searches Google for a page containing the French term that you have highlighted in MS Word, specifically a page that suggests the existence of a translation of that same page in your target language English (parallel texts). First you need to highlight a term..." & vbCr & "" & vbCr & "For an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi." End If End Sub Sub GgPtEnFr() ' ' GgPtEnFr Macro ' Macro created 28.11.04 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi ' Dim theTerm, URL As String Dim IE As Object On Error GoTo Mainstop If Selection.Type = wdSelectionIP Then theTerm = Selection.Words(1).Text Else theTerm = Selection.Text End If theTerm = Trim(theTerm) URL = "http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q=%22" URL = URL & theTerm URL = URL & "%22 inurl:inurl:anglais OR inurl:angl OR inurl:%22e OR inurl:%22en OR inurl:anglaise franais OR franaise" ' Open Internet Explorer Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") If IE.Visible <> True Then IE.Visible = True With Tasks("Microsoft Internet Explorer") .Visible = True .Activate End With IE.Navigate URL Mainstop: If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "This macro searches Google for a page containing the English term that you have highlighted in MS Word, specifically a page that suggests the existence of a translation of that same page in your target language French (parallel texts). First you need to highlight a term..." & vbCr & "" & vbCr & "For an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi." End If End Sub Sub GgPtItFr() ' ' GgPtItFr Macro ' Macro created 28.11.04 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi ' Dim theTerm, URL As String Dim IE As Object On Error GoTo Mainstop If Selection.Type = wdSelectionIP Then theTerm = Selection.Words(1).Text Else theTerm = Selection.Text End If theTerm = Trim(theTerm) URL = "http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q={%}22" URL = URL & theTerm URL = URL & "{%}22 inurl:italien OR inurl:italiano OR inurl:ita OR inurl:{%}2bi franais OR franaise" ' Open Internet Explorer Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") If IE.Visible <> True Then IE.Visible = True With Tasks("Microsoft Internet Explorer") .Visible = True .Activate End With IE.Navigate URL Mainstop: If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "This macro searches Google for a page containing the Italian term that you have highlighted in MS Word, specifically a page that suggests the existence of a translation of that same page in your target language French (parallel texts). First you need to highlight a term..." & vbCr & "" & vbCr & "For an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi." End If End Sub Sub ExaleadGlosEn() ' ' ExaleadGlosEn Macro ' Macro created 4.12.2004 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi ' Dim theTerm, URL As String Dim IE As Object On Error GoTo Mainstop If Selection.Type = wdSelectionIP Then theTerm = Selection.Words(1).Text Else theTerm = Selection.Text End If theTerm = Trim(theTerm) URL = "http://beta.exalead.com/search/?q=" URL = URL & theTerm URL = URL & "+title%3A%28glossary+OR+dictionary+OR+lexicon%29" ' Open Internet Explorer Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") If IE.Visible <> True Then IE.Visible = True With Tasks("Microsoft Internet Explorer") .Visible = True .Activate End With IE.Navigate URL Mainstop: If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "This macro searches Exalead for a glossary containing the English word or phrase of up to 4 words that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term..." & vbCr & "" & vbCr & "For an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi." End If End Sub Sub ExaleadGlosDe() ' ' ExaleadGlosDe Macro ' Macro created 4.12.2004 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi ' Dim theTerm, URL As String Dim IE As Object On Error GoTo Mainstop If Selection.Type = wdSelectionIP Then theTerm = Selection.Words(1).Text Else theTerm = Selection.Text End If theTerm = Trim(theTerm) URL = "http://beta.exalead.com/search/?q=" URL = URL & theTerm URL = URL & "+title%3A%28glossar+OR+lexikon+OR+w%C3%B6rterbuch%29" ' Open Internet Explorer Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") If IE.Visible <> True Then IE.Visible = True With Tasks("Microsoft Internet Explorer") .Visible = True .Activate End With IE.Navigate URL Mainstop: If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "This macro searches Exalead for a glossary containing the German word or phrase of up to 4 words that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term..." & vbCr & "" & vbCr & "For an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi." End If End Sub Sub ExaleadGlosFr() ' ' ExaleadGlosFr Macro ' Macro created 4.12.2004 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi ' Dim theTerm, URL As String Dim IE As Object On Error GoTo Mainstop If Selection.Type = wdSelectionIP Then theTerm = Selection.Words(1).Text Else theTerm = Selection.Text End If theTerm = Trim(theTerm) URL = "http://beta.exalead.com/search/?q=" URL = URL & theTerm URL = URL & "+title%3A%28dictionnaire+OR+glossaire+OR+lexique%29" ' Open Internet Explorer Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") If IE.Visible <> True Then IE.Visible = True With Tasks("Microsoft Internet Explorer") .Visible = True .Activate End With IE.Navigate URL Mainstop: If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "This macro searches Exalead for a glossary containing the French word or phrase of up to 4 words that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term..." & vbCr & "" & vbCr & "For an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi." End If End Sub Sub ExaleadGlosIt() ' ' ExaleadGlosIt Macro ' Macro created 4.12.2004 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi ' Dim theTerm, URL As String Dim IE As Object On Error GoTo Mainstop If Selection.Type = wdSelectionIP Then theTerm = Selection.Words(1).Text Else theTerm = Selection.Text End If theTerm = Trim(theTerm) URL = "http://beta.exalead.com/search/?q=" URL = URL & theTerm URL = URL & "+title%3A%28dizionario+OR+glossario+OR+lessico%29" ' Open Internet Explorer Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") If IE.Visible <> True Then IE.Visible = True With Tasks("Microsoft Internet Explorer") .Visible = True .Activate End With IE.Navigate URL Mainstop: If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "This macro searches Exalead for a glossary containing the Italian word or phrase of up to 4 words that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term..." & vbCr & "" & vbCr & "For an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi." End If End Sub Sub ExaleadGlosSp() ' ' ExaleadGlosSp Macro ' Macro created 4.12.2004 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi ' Dim theTerm, URL As String Dim IE As Object On Error GoTo Mainstop If Selection.Type = wdSelectionIP Then theTerm = Selection.Words(1).Text Else theTerm = Selection.Text End If theTerm = Trim(theTerm) URL = "http://beta.exalead.com/search/?q=" URL = URL & theTerm URL = URL & "+title%3A%28diccionario+OR+glosario+OR+l%C3%A9xico%29" ' Open Internet Explorer Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") If IE.Visible <> True Then IE.Visible = True With Tasks("Microsoft Internet Explorer") .Visible = True .Activate End With IE.Navigate URL Mainstop: If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "This macro searches Exalead for a glossary containing the Spanish word or phrase of up to 4 words that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term..." & vbCr & "" & vbCr & "For an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi." End If End Sub Sub ExaleadGlosPt() ' ' ExaleadGlosPt Macro ' Macro created 4.12.2004 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi ' Dim theTerm, URL As String Dim IE As Object On Error GoTo Mainstop If Selection.Type = wdSelectionIP Then theTerm = Selection.Words(1).Text Else theTerm = Selection.Text End If theTerm = Trim(theTerm) URL = "http://beta.exalead.com/search/?q=" URL = URL & theTerm URL = URL & "+title%3A%28dicion%C3%A1rio+OR+gloss%C3%A1rio+OR+l%C3%A9xico%29" ' Open Internet Explorer Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") If IE.Visible <> True Then IE.Visible = True With Tasks("Microsoft Internet Explorer") .Visible = True .Activate End With IE.Navigate URL Mainstop: If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "This macro searches Exalead for a glossary containing the Portuguese word or phrase of up to 4 words that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term..." & vbCr & "" & vbCr & "For an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi." End If End Sub Sub GoogleSearchEu() ' ' GoogleSearchEu Macro ' Macro created 4.12.2004 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi ' Dim theTerm, URL As String Dim IE As Object On Error GoTo Mainstop If Selection.Type = wdSelectionIP Then theTerm = Selection.Words(1).Text Else theTerm = Selection.Text End If theTerm = Trim(theTerm) URL = "http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&as_epq=" URL = URL & theTerm URL = URL & "&q=site:europa.eu.int" If Tasks.Exists("Google Search:") = True Then With Tasks("Google Search:") .Visible = True .Activate End With SendKeys "^o", True SendKeys URL & "{Enter}", True Else ' Open Internet Explorer Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") If IE.Visible <> True Then IE.Visible = True With Tasks("Microsoft Internet Explorer") .Visible = True .Activate End With IE.Navigate URL End If Mainstop: If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "This macro searches the European Union website through Google for the word or phrase that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term..." & vbCr & "" & vbCr & "For an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi." End If End Sub Sub RocheLexikonDeEnDe() ' ' RocheLexikonDeEnDe Macro ' Macro created 12.12.2004 by Tanya Harvey Ciampi ' Searches the online German-English-German Roche Medizin Lexikon at www.gesundheit.de/roche/ ' Dim theTerm As String ' Term to look up in dictionary Dim IE As Object ' Internet Explorer On Error GoTo Mainstop ' If nothing is selected If Selection.Type = wdSelectionIP Then ' Select the term where the cursor is located theTerm = Selection.Words(1).Text Else ' Use the current selection theTerm = Selection.Text End If theTerm = Trim(theTerm) URL = "http://www.gesundheit.de/roche/cgi-bin/search.pl?userInput=" URL = URL + theTerm If Tasks.Exists("Trefferliste") = True Then With Tasks("Trefferliste") .Visible = True .Activate End With SendKeys "^o", True SendKeys URL & "{Enter}", True Else ' Open Internet Explorer Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") If IE.Visible <> True Then IE.Visible = True With Tasks("Microsoft Internet Explorer") .Visible = True .Activate End With IE.Navigate URL End If Mainstop: If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "This macro searches the online German-English-German Roche Medizin Lexikon at www.gesundheit.de/roche/. First you need to open a document and place your cursor over the word you wish to look up... " & vbCr & "" & vbCr & "For an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi." End If End Sub Sub GoogleUk() ' ' GoogleUk Macro ' Macro created by Tanya Harvey Ciampi on 10/04/2003 ' Dim theTerm, URL As String Dim IE As Object On Error GoTo Mainstop If Selection.Type = wdSelectionIP Then theTerm = Selection.Words(1).Text Else theTerm = Selection.Text End If theTerm = Trim(theTerm) URL = "http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&as_epq=" URL = URL & theTerm URL = URL & "&q=site:uk OR site:ie" If Tasks.Exists("Google Search:") = True Then With Tasks("Google Search:") .Visible = True .Activate End With SendKeys "^o", True SendKeys URL & "{Enter}", True Else ' Open Internet Explorer Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") If IE.Visible <> True Then IE.Visible = True With Tasks("Microsoft Internet Explorer") .Visible = True .Activate End With IE.Navigate URL End If Mainstop: If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "This macro searches UK and IE sites through Google for the word or phrase that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term..." & vbCr & "" & vbCr & "For an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi." End If End Sub Sub GoogleCh() ' ' GoogleCh Macro ' Macro created by Tanya Harvey Ciampi on 10/04/2003 ' Dim theTerm, URL As String Dim IE As Object On Error GoTo Mainstop If Selection.Type = wdSelectionIP Then theTerm = Selection.Words(1).Text Else theTerm = Selection.Text End If theTerm = Trim(theTerm) URL = "http://www.google.ch/search?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&as_epq=" URL = URL & theTerm URL = URL & "&q=site:ch" If Tasks.Exists("Google Search:") = True Then With Tasks("Google Search:") .Visible = True .Activate End With SendKeys "^o", True SendKeys URL & "{Enter}", True Else ' Open Internet Explorer Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") If IE.Visible <> True Then IE.Visible = True With Tasks("Microsoft Internet Explorer") .Visible = True .Activate End With IE.Navigate URL End If Mainstop: If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "This macro searches CH sites through Google for the word or phrase that you have highlighted in Word. First you need to highlight a term..." & vbCr & "" & vbCr & "For an updated version of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH or contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi." End If End Sub Sub PasteUnformatted() ' ' PasteUnformatted Macro ' Macro creata il 07/01/2005 da Tanya Harvey Ciampi ' WordBasic.EditPasteSpecial IconNumber:=0, Link:=0, DisplayIcon:=0, Class:="Word.Document.6", DataType:="Text", IconFileName:="C:\PROGRA~1\MSOFFI~1\WINWORD\WINWORD.EXE", Caption:="Microsoft Word Document" End Sub  Attribute VB_Name = "TranslatorMacros" Public Sub QuoteProof() Dim MyForm As NewN >Rate,NCzCostEuro  ^CurrencyAYOutpuFTimcD @Long; ElseUjyig!ee`F__T`BIe@F__TigiL -ȩ ?`?? `wd12erPp?H[H [?=oryfE_ 0 d  _F L}P   icOmy x u kIfaeMk/wr /w/w'w Do Wh@ Not (nN' "v IPoth~Movvvn~!m1-1(1thBy que3ojSettm!h}2|subsenwR}6ub yl G'''4 oa@ *.bT)))Š33 41BDDI50////)FPb,97= Wp6owdm_ 0 .ComputeStatisti cs(wd`CharactersWithSpaces) ElseIf oS tory. 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P u / www.m ultiluapl.ch!Subub D`teToPeriod() At`tribuk.VB_Descripb= "MGAA01.07.02 byj y ProcData Invoke_PFunc"@j! .NewB s.K 'f q c ?pi DimisC`7,As Sng;Ru6 Q4= Applic˒|Ve.No K7("+s_`_xors.dotp" Or; tic"e>5i2nhll=F- ff!Ex-!"]ExtendrFec3mattc'fth Xa@  .0.Re|plBPrwar7.WraRpPwdC5i>ntf.M`atchCpG=WholeWoBWildcsSdsLikw*AllXWithExecP4yLefxU, :=ЕSs-]r.]M]d=s a# tQfrom^lo#*ATN curs`Pu

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" & vbCr"i)[an dd @ s5 ofZ!s, vOt WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH ccontaTanya Harvey Ciampi.w!SIf `m#qSub A$ItEn(EArtbu m'.VB_DescripawM.c"Qd 05.06.2003 by@j6 ProcData Invoke_Func C@.News`:` 'A&@!tc0&*he laSܿܿܿܿܿX3_n4)r_nӃJ_n _nYnit_np?dn_nb#G_n$F!_n_nrtj= ?ф_nr~ _n_n_n_ns"_n_n>pX_nB_nth_n_n_nv]_n_n(nn.nfqnyn(nnoϠunY nnnn~nITnAn%nelr nrd{n.on#oononoonLonononeon`'{njnEnItoneon"odonwonefononmnln!onoxnxbnقernِsBaXqX0mOjn&S=7?ٰjenitjj"ItaliTg"aaonNNt"²aendKeys "^o", True SURL & "{@Enter}Els' Open I:net Explorert IE = CreateObject("VT.Applica@tion")8If7.Visib le <> T*hhE= With Tasks("Micrposof| ^  C.ActivcTAEnd* GNavig If MainS@top: [Err.Number[0ZsgBox "This maO searches the online Wordreference EN>IT diJonary. First you need to oa document a[plar cursor ovG3w0wishlook u p..."@yvb,Cr{Fand>d @siH of.seC3s, v@kt WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH contact@hnya Harvey Ciampi."SUSubAU LeoDeEnDe(!@' 'G M'Q cBd 09.10.20`04 by  DimA/Term As String ' @UDE in_ @ @ н On À=GoTo@*Ç A5' noth#seled SW.TypewdIPD. CA0 m EN)DEi at W߲߲ײ =aYY3vYFr}YYYYY Y`qYYYYYBFXYnYtaFYrxYhYY YY K ]YPYYgsYXYfrvYUeaaUtUErgebnisefUʛ?UUD?thUo!mU~2r.UhgVUnUUFRUFR>UUrgUOOOAOU__o_L___d `UUDCcI?V?V?V?V?V?V?V?V F' N?Ve?V?Vrd ?V?V?V࿯qQwww.cc/lϫC=-German translation of") .Visible = TruePActivat8End With4SendKeys "^o",b,URL & "{Enter}BElsJOpenIE:G$'  I&net Explorerct IECreObje0ct("+*.A`pplicI&f7<> T8hen sk Tasks("Microsof>JIE.Navigc If MainStop[Err.Numbher [0ZsgBox "Th is maO searches the online DE>EN aEN>DE dionariat www..cc. First you need to oe a do@cumentplaceA r cursor ovC&wordwishlook up... "avbCrF)an d@Bd MsC1se6s, vt WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH contactknya Harvey Ciampi."VX Sub  W+refEnFrB(' 'D8e MU cBd 05.06.2003 by Dim/T As String ' VF indy @ @ O n >GoTo'@*Ë' nothseled SW.TypwdFtIP$K ! um wheregD> lol S= .+s(1).Textw@0|a U:E raJ#|. `XcgTrim(@8!= "http://A[R`<nce.com/fr/.asp?enfr=D=&%!*&€.EPxistFch f")DF(a !Va o!/ e I$/઄K `FRy__W???aOTT1TSpTS~pT{T.TT TarTtT1TgTTT= TA;'$QETsTQcTT T^Tw_XTLTTefTesTwUAWTeq]TTShpanTL?UtPW?UU Uron&gVgT@UGroUN>SPU"//u/)/UӪoLd USpEn]U1_U_U _U_U_U@_U_U?_U_U_U_U_Uen_URs X R<_U_U0=?N0@\UenUsOUOUE/@(@ uphen With Tasks("Microsoft Internet Explorer") .Visible = True(ActivatEnd4SendKeys "^o",b,URL & "{En}!ElsJ' OpenZEECreyObject(".Applic ationIfH IE<>J T oZ ;Navigc  If MainStop: [Err.Number [0ZsgBox "This ma searches the online Wordreference SP@>EN dinonary. First you need to o_a docu@ment a@vp la@@ r cursor ov# wwishlook up..."@yvbCr{FanRd>d @si $of.seC3s, vt WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH contactnya Harvey Cia`mpi."SUS ubAU SelUpToNex tG(' '9 MU r ec;@I10.07.02 by@ On n*0GoTo@Ct H.ScreenDUpAing@Fa' TurnptMod@.@J.ExE ' Ask f dupbwhic%ds= t< Dim MessagesitlUp ?As Str K "tBJ?. 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Fi$rsneto a @m..."vbCr "Fan upd6d versa of#+s, v@t WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH*contact@nya Harvey Ciampi."JAU8SubMMultilingual(@' Ô9  MLA cd 01.07.02 by {F12}%3R"http://www.mH).ch5G͎@9InsertQuxeryh_WDimLisDocument As0 Str)!,On Q;GoTo OT!Pf= o.b`e.Nam|W WH"B_V_translators.dot"H Or= cn"`EdY`]Xi@nstallJQ f]!Jxit -Jq!"䬉!S el`[.Typ!wdFIPfnisBk`\"=exta'Trim( `{GFlb¶ .Shad"=d.T` urdN,onB.~egroundPatCo` wd"AutomcA.BackYellow3A'.B`(1).LineStyywdow`Fadϭ%A< :="? FaMoveLe@Unit:=@harer, C`#`211d R _o| $hs.k]Rm //h^ 22 2re/22/ @///@5?2'ls ques1`rks aCOQthgh. ]oiU1s] UP2 ς1e@RrefEn{q 13.06.2003bj\Q `0lookdionary a`~N ' qnothsqedK;wVrq;'7yB wheg= cursplop q qs`Qq]' Uer {C eu 7uA} nce.com/english/defiaAasp?en=@dQ/)ECl DF |(z""ĀABtbWTޓ "^a.3 &2݁// !?f! oRݠ' EN>EN Q;ܷionary at WWW.WORDREFERENCE.COM for a wo rd thyou have highl ted. Y*neeFo0nterm first..." & vbCr " Fbn updaL ver"s ofqese macros@, visiMULTILINGUAL.CH @contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi." E nd IfSu b  CopyM/ToNormalDot`() '  cre[13.06.20`03 byC Dim TemplName As String On ErBreGoTo3inStop = Applicat.ActiveDocument.Full*5Specifies source, destDin, n?aFthe typBe\objeQbe$ copiw UjStylesOnOpen = False 'OrganizerY S!D:=3, D$:N=`3, A5:="TransNor_s", Oa,:=wdFPro2Items%%%Com"m@]Bar%MsgBox "T`g7DbeWCb Hto r I.0dot 7B, rtoolbar should beble e@y ti Q!{ start q M2ianofm@. uwcan ena /disbNin Wuc`fsel@ONView/Tsick /unt# * *???4Mau:xGȍ In+ll#WAsIƍ '?add-in. dd.Add Filez%!, i$ru?dY d`underCGxs -ƭI sEBdW.ѭETManageCG-B 18/06/"13:00StctFT!0hB8eanPqaGl os!7j 'Pa\th9c zg@sQYE#gonlypNumberOfWindows!IntegermTou>kjQSusTh"*** Plea@repoL#E[funronEripq inologyV1tWV>i, www.multilual.ch. ` z$.CoA L If 0~ ``04W/  automat} , search1BbV12~p9_gh, r2eevLif prnt (#elacalrlS:nc\t;yp)@ne^wY(qm %o dPk%@> & languP3phr ߧߧߧߧߧߧקE:a-+? a8; UusNP,o0-h"from wit R b'n>(h( %. 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To interrupt, press CTRL-BREAK!" & vbCr"Please report any bugs to T a Harvey Ciampi, www.multilingual.ch" ' A@ctivathy Windows(ChoixDoc1$).go4top ofsSele(on.HomeK?Unit:=wdStor0' UnAe (endt 0 "6  7ERR`OR: Ymust i fIUable wFatPnap>20q^la0nguaЍoms=f1r_Dc2 :(3d  defis etc.)."Msu{p'EPa0no `ra spTs SbsbeeAaff{tapy !",`ExcLlap[p +OKOnl02App62.VisiaP@nd Su Xeub PonsDeEnbA" %ro c@t010.07.2003 bypi!Sf7on&e PONS`gn-Engl= di&arimQ0Term As St2rq1' 3lo`ok upD`IEObjP ' In0ExplorerCOn #0:Main pD`=@HgCC9N`0WZTypEIP1' cs. ?0+NavigACBc#U2Vb.Numb0}bEaTs@@sh@. Firc0^O neF>oa}k 2RT5мr& w0ؑPcBh["0 @b@Eda9 ver~s3!h207fvTPWW.MULTILUAL.tCHA\c੠Ppm wherecurs;A,locat, ; l=70Words(1).Text Else-Us$ren~tP$ ndmqTrim() URLi"http://www.vok@abeltrer.pons.de/cgi-bin/wb.pl?Richtung=ED&Begriff="+8 @RTasks.ExistsL("A")TrueRWith  I A: .Visibla AvVEB%>7CMicrosof/͸H @$E.Navig1 @D7E:€.N@umber -0lMsgBox "Th\maS . First you ne(ed }o/a docum^a placer jovY wgw@... " & vbC*r"iFrandd @ s58 ofAW`ns, vNt WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH contahTan.bRIbf*Suba PjDeIt(B'@`(!M)cLd 10.07.2003 b>yc AVC-Iptali __ "____0@_?__ _hed__bJDI__I! }d WlWW' W|WRWW0hWWvb hW"0LWWWWItDeWW}WW_W4W_[3TeD___f__^{_"_n_tr W_Sn.___ne7W___WI_ѓ __ne_WQsBoC.EsEWW_ƟWW__onQW_3WW k/Wte__> __`'j@W__ou__S_?WWW_Qm Tanya Harvey Ciampi." @End If8S@ub  PonsDeFr`() '@ `Macro" created 10.07.20`03 by2Searches the online PONS German-French dictionaryA4 Dim0T# As Str@ing ' to look u0p in 96IE1ObjectInternet ExplorerwOn Error GoToo@inStop 'A noth7i s sel#ed If SS.Type = wd IP Then : y>m whereacurs;,locl=0Words(1) .Textlse-Us$tPOJ$} GT0rim(}URL4"http://www.vokabeltramr.p@.de/cgi-bin/wb.pl?Richtung=DF&Begrpiff=A+?8X@RTasks.ExistsL("")TrueRWith@ I A: .Visibla AvVASendKeys "^o", E A)& "{E }FE]OpenJ P mt @= Cƃ(" .Appli}jJ"[ IE1<>>B%>7CMi@sof͸H E.Navi:g( "ca 6M`@d:Bag.N@umber 06MsgBox "Th\mS. First you ne}oa/a document aY placer jovY w`gAwish Dž... 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" & vbCr"iFupd) d @ s`t of`Bs, vet WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH  contaTanya Harvey Ciampi.|%*SubA+f"ItFr(C'@)  cMd 20.08.2004 by`}ASe0 /-1' at N:ςVK !W# !d aߠDV= gg"Bgg1gPmgg|tiggqkg" PGgBgth6[gRiAg g`tgsk|1U@@? ? /ssVH/s%ggb4ggxgg} ggo8./#0ggf gaggng'OTgo gd gggghggogLgggd giItSyngQhюhh '0hftg!wsynonymsk_h/_hOOOOOOOOonOn_htbgOOпcnOOr`O_h= ThhE Tasks("MicrosJ3IE@.Navigc If MainSt op: [Err.Number [0ZsgBox "This maO searches the online Italian dionary of synonyms. First you need to oa document a@v placeA r cursor ov#wordwishlook up... "yvbCrA{FF$upd?d: sj&@se!3s, v@t WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH contacthnya Harvey Ciampi."cGSAUSubU WahrigDeB(@' ' NMPA cd 05.06.2003 by SP^C Deut"sBeWrbuFcɀDimjTerm As String ' 'aQ i o ? @@ @ P On IGoTNo7CA' nothseliedS@c.HTyp}wdFIzPdO BMm where$D lo@p $= .W@Gs(1).Text 6U`@aK rAP#A.  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" & PvbCr"F)an dAd Esl ofA0sBe5s, v@t WWW.MULTILINGUA L.CH co ntactnya Harvey Ciampi.EUSub A Merr@WebsEn(' ' MAV BXcd 05.06.2003 by ScK2 DimA!z As String ' g* in*b b g On I`&GoTo@L!N' dnoth JselkedPS 3.TypawdFIPQ  ! *m wh8ereE lor = .WHs(1).Text`bfUAL rQ#{. 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End IfSub   LangenscheidtDeEn() ' M creW4.08.2003 by>Sear1sonline 0 German -EngldiDctary P DimT As Strin0g '  iLn IEObje' Internet Explorer@On ErrGoTosinSt op f noth7is sel#ed If S).Typ@e = wdIP Then  )C?@m wphere@locS 6=HWs(1).TextqlseU@rentD(%Uă G`Trim(URL4"http://www.lI.de/cgi-bin/pow@erwb/sy.pl?instrn=CA+A<6 R "&=de&tablematch=whole&abbrP=on&@n`=offBaTasks.Exists(" s Fa chwr@]buch Wirtschaft")6TrueiWithi, .^V@s d A`Xv:o! aSendKeys "^po", #&P "{EaU}&Ed>@U.Cl -KWOpenBrow^sZ!Oq^ @Ktb `c= Cxd("cc.Appli@S J"B <>(=& .'+MiaofO-q ) )  E.Navig@- `' "V:E' `0>MsgBox "Wa f bC(o * aetry again @OS@WshShe ll>(WScrpipt.!:= _iRi % .Run ( 1@!Ma.Numb`pThbˀADE>EN 咶P~ Df3÷at نdeup/testit/wb /index.html. @First !needG1 doc um!2place?? 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Fi$rs*ne'toG+ ..." @& vbCr"FACn upd@Zd vers@%esePs, vt WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH Qctnya Harvey Ciampi."d vIfpAS ub GgP@tDeEn(' ' MnA  c³d 28.11.04 by DioeT=, As Stry@ On @0GoTo(SelC.Ty$pewdIP} xA s(1).Text@lseA DITrim(H` "http://www.BgBZ.ch/\?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&q=%221&4 "[ur$l:MORg %FdHeu%2bUcjGa 5k%ӟtaØàFrDecPEKqKKK= KKKMKK KKKK.h]KJFvzo@esischHfQK DeuteoL???er.???QsI???x???????3Frp//oL///n/@$/4V_L////////:/ Fr,Fr /////r/GI//1_L_L_L_L4/0_L_L_L_L_L& (a OdIdtoMOa LFLAEuYLLtq.RLrin/Ists the existence of a translation@that same page in your target@ langu.Frh (parallel texts). Firstf need to highltlerm..." & v(bCr" For an updatlse? 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Firs*ne'toG+..." & vbCr"FACn upd@Zd vers@%ese Ps, vt WWW.MULTILINGUAL.(CH cQctnya Harvey Ciamxpi.vCAS ubAs GgP@tItFr(P' ' MA7!  cYd 28.11.04 by  Di7,AG As S|troCL`LTy$pejwdFIPDN A<ߙߙߙߙՙ{%}LC"`\aBtali`ianog abiߗߗߗߗߗߗ뢣ߗ `dbߗߗ "ߗЗI3ߗߗ ߗߗߗKd KmKLKKoKKaKKKExaleadGlosEn6LZL-d 4.12.20LdSLALLLLLLOno`o ebeta.e.coma/?q=ca=b\P& "+title%3A%28gsary+OR+dil0x`j%29@A:; 1onHܝHQmw.%ϔglwp1phraupA>4 ght'BBhqA'AADeAosDeAApiAA0AAA24AۋAA7o۰AadAAmAFrAAkonw%C3%B6r07buch?B οֿֿրֿ ؿC<ֿ?B?BtBq*ֿֿֿϊ`5Pq?B the German word or phrase of up to 4dsat you have highl ted in Wx. FirrsFne.xL a t..." & vbCr " F{updaTversionmacros, visit WWW.MULTILINGU AL.CHcontact Tanya Harvey Ciampi." End IfSub   ExaleadGlosFr() '9 M?  creS4.12.2004 by:A DimT, URL As String IEObjectIOn ErBrGoTo TrueW = Withsks("MiAoftO%L .A>v?Na8vig@AMa1Æ: .Number+0ĂMsgBox "This B CfesŸ fo ,ry hinTa5 French?h?????qu?!It1It???????"?|/??+zar io烄lessicojB?B > CAossaAItalia//Btgh/ a//& /np/he////D/YSpAosSpAOIpi15 Aaq.eԈ AadDQ cABl%C3p%A9x/B//te//3< y////er/@/th//B//B/ij/'Spanis?/B/B/B___r a/B`/B/B/B/B-BNBP?P?__ưOBq2OBOB_0p+g__HOBOBOB@d@OBOBOBa=-p_Y0B@1B{E A<on 0 ThenFsgBox "This macro searches Exalead for a glossary contYing the Portuguese word ,phraof up Pto 4s.at you have highlted in W<. Firsy#ne<&Aterm..." @& vbCr"UFTn:dd version CTHos, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH^oct Tanya Harvey Ciamp i." If1Sub G@oogleSEu() '  M  creT4.12.2004 by; Dim[T@,Ax As St&raIEAObject On|CGoToCcA+Sel F.Type = wdIPD E Ais(1).TexElsW?& DKGTrxim(I "http://www.gR.ch/?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&as_epq=dA&- "&q=|e:europa.eu0.int@BTasks.Exis@ts("Mis@oft Innetplorer")@*TrueHk@ .Vbl[GSendKeys "^o", GC "{E}e0' OpenSD= CBND("%Ex.Applicat`C"`3 E a =Db"`)#a%rߝ۝@R EC@ean Un@ webFJrouc`d ChRa il 27/05/5 da .opndaad ?䝿Englishsurl:d`.uni-leipzig.de OR "Oleo.orgFaVcc6odgeinfobrannp al-deutschland.aus-stadQiee.et.tu-dresd en)onli@newoerVbuer4in proz.comZ("w w:ZthHOY xGOYOYZOYa3qOYVOYeOYOYOYeќOYfOYn_ OY@OYߧӧEY W_O__V! Gpan-u/0'20-F ,@[arith[[hBa +ǩvoa [  ARo4Lexiko[[\é ߩV]7r @0 Then#sgBox "Th is ma searches the online German-EnglisDh- Ro' Medizin Lexikon at www.gesundhei@t.de/r/. First you need to ope document aoplacer curs`or ov[HwhordwDlook up... " & vbTCr"F aJndd %siTofqse{s, vt WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH contactnya Harvey Ciampi."1_Sub_ GoogleUk(!w' ' M[A cre' byQa 10/04/2003@ Dim/T@f,A~ As StringIEAObject On1GoToCA)Sel !D.TypwdIPD E Wcs(1).TexEls@j?& DwTrxim(I"http://’!BQ.ch/?num=20&ie=ASCII&hl=en&as_pepq=@cA& - "&q=site:uk OR ie@ʁ.Exist?@*I7} .}|HA SendKeys "p^o",䊆"4{E}0' nOkAS@D= COD("e.ApplicatC"`3 E`Ŕ@a_ _#!__UBSebCUpspecific WnEoRoToRor[oopoooضbRRChChOQOQ(}n0:OQ40OQOQOQOQOQJQchoJoJoJߞߞoJoJ#ߞHoJoJn=ߞߞoJoJoJoJoJoJHoJoJ-sF ?IthroeonѶighted in Word. First you neto hl a term..." @& vbCr" For an updaversion of these macros, visit WWW.MULTILINGUAL.CH @contact Tanya Harvey Ciampi." End If A Sub  PasteUnf ormat|() ' M creata il 07/01/2005 Lda? 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